Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Monday morning on Tedd Dumas’ popular Open Line radio show, we presented a “Proclamation from We The People to All of Our Elected Officials with regard to the COVID-19 Coronavirus.” The proclamation, which asked governing officials to quit issuing proclamations, was written by Dumas and yours truly. Both of us have received many comments from Mr. John Q. Public concerning the government lockdown, which we feel is over-reach in many instances. The proclamation covers the input we received. I should also add that we do realize the importance of the matter.

The proclamation is long, about four pages, and we do not have space here to print it. You can find it in its entirety by visiting BDC Radio on Facebook.

The Cenla Report  posted the Proclamation Monday morning and by Tuesday at noon, it had 118 views and 141 shares. The BDC Radio Facebook post of the Proclamation had over 1,000 views.

Big event coming up soon for the Many High School graduates of 2020. Mayor Ken Freeman told Observations because graduation is such a milestone in students’ lives and since they cannot hold a graduation exercise this year, that the Town has planned a big celebration. The event is planned for Saturday, June 6. At 4 p.m. a reception will be held at City Hall for the graduates and their parents. That will be followed by a Commencement Parade of all 95 graduates in decorated automobiles down San Antonio Ave. through beautiful downtown Many at 5 p.m.

Mayor Freeman said the theme for the event is, “We’re not walking, we’re rolling into our future!” Good going, Mayor. We could all use a great parade to lift our spirits, and what better reason to have one than to give our local high school seniors something enjoyable they can look back on and remember fondly in spite of the craziness the Coronavirus brought to their final school year.

Former Gov. Edwin W. Edwards, left, and Natchitoches native J. Barry Guillet, right

Well-known Natchitoches citizen Barry Guillet, shown here with former Gov. Edwin W. Edwards, will guest on Tedd Dumas’ Open Line this Thursday, May 14, at 7:30 a.m. The program will be broadcast on the seven radio stations operated by Baldridge-Dumas Communications. Guillet is a native of Natchitoches and owns Guillet Real Estate. He also is a property appraiser, a pilot, a community institution and a great story teller.

Guillet will discuss how the 58 days he has been in quarantine has affected him. His Thursday appearance will be the first time he has been out of his house. He plans to share the touching details of a whole range of emotions he has experienced in the last several weeks. In fact, he says he doubts his life will ever be the same again. He will discuss the terror he has felt, the frustration, bewilderment and despair. It is sure to be a very interesting program featuring the life of Barry Guillet as only he can tell it, so be sure not to miss it.

Ms. Ruby Brandin

Happy Birthday wishes to our friend Ruby Brandin whose birthday is Saturday, May 16. I met Ms. Brandin a few years ago and she is a very nice person. She lives in the Toledo Bend Lake area and moved over here several years ago from Texas. Best wishes for many more good ones!

We crossed paths with Frances Sylvia Monday morning at Kountry Korner on San Antonio Ave. in Many. She said she and husband, Attorney Chris Sylvia, visited the place Saturday and she was greatly impressed with what Ms. Tiisha Vines and her vendors have done to the place, located where the Many Pawn Shop used to be. Vines and her crew have gone all out building nice vendor booth facades along the walls and making their little coffee shop a great place to hang out. If you’re looking for somewhere to go with lots of room to stay safe, take a little time to visit Kountry Korner at 867 San Antonio since the lockdown has been lifted.

Time to Go! …if They’re Going

Lots of folks are wondering if there will be a Many High School Tiger football season this year. If so, practice needs to start soon. Word is that DeSoto Parish will start football practice May 18. Sabine native Clay Corley is Superintendent there.

Sabine Supt. Sara Ebarb told Observations:  “We can’t make a decision until we hear from the state. The Governor discussed his order Monday and we are supposed to hear more from the state May 16. I suppose the Louisiana High School Athletic Association will send a new memo following that. Please go to [the] LHSAA website for their current memo.”

Dr. Cade Brumley

Cade Brumley is among six finalists for State Superintendent of Education. A native of Converse, he is former Superintendent in DeSoto Parish and currently serves in the same position in Jefferson Parish. The Louisiana Board of Elementary and Secondary Education plans to pick a new State Superintendent May 20. 

The End of an Era

We were sorry to learn Mariner’s Restaurant on Sibley Lake in Natchitoches will not reopen after shutting down March 17 because of the Coronavirus. Many folks from Sabine Parish have enjoyed dining there during its 38 years in business. It was once the place to go for all special occasions. And you sure couldn’t beat that 50-lb. block of cheese on the salad bar. Hats doffed to Jennifer and Don Nichols who started the business and later turned it over to their daughter, Lyssa Taylor. They recently expressed their appreciation to all their customers, employees and friends who supported the establishment down through the years.

The popular Facebook page the Cenla Report broke the news last week that the State Legislative Auditor will take a look at the books of the Village of Robeline. A Robeline resident has been a critic of the financial affairs of the Village for years told Observations about the matter several weeks ago. After the story came out in the Cenla Report, we contacted an informed source who verified that the information is true. We were told that because of the Coronavirus threat that a date for conducting the audit has not been set.

WHO IS THE MYSTERY SHOPPER?  Word went out last week to Many businesses that a “Mystery Shopper” would be sent around to be sure they were following the regulations concerning Coronavirus safety – things like social distancing, wearing of masks and sanitizing counters, shopping carts, etc. It never happened and won’t happen, Mayor Ken Freeman told Observations Monday. But if there was a “Mystery Shopper,” think any of the above would qualify?

Town of Many Proclamation Set to Expire Friday

Mayor Ken Freeman issued the following statement Tuesday, announcing the end of the Town’s most recent COVID-19 proclamation.

He stated, “The City’s proclamation dealing with COVID-19 will expire May 15th. I have no plans to issue additional restrictions dealing with COVID-19 in the City of Many. Based on the Governor’s press conference, he is moving to Phase 1 for reopening the state economic activites.

“In the last three months of federal, local and state proclamations, I think that we, the people, fully understand the risk and dangers of the Coronavirus. I believe we also understand what measures we take to protect ourselves, family and community from this risk and danger.

“The Governor, for the last three months has not enforced his proclamation, relying on local governments and, most of all, citizens voluntarily adhering to his proclamation. After Friday, May 15th, the City of Many will not actively enforce the Governor’s proclamation and will instead rely on our citizens to take what measures they know will protect themselves, family and community from this disease.

“If you feel you need to shelter at home, that is your choice. Please continue to do so. However, for those who choose to resume life as ‘normal,’ I strongly advise you to wear masks and practice social distancing and regularly wash your hands.

“For our local merchants who choose to open their establishments, I strongly encourage you to have your employees who have direct contact with your customers to wear a mask at all times, sanitize counters after each customer, sanitize shopping buggies after each use, maintain the screen between your clerks and your customers and finally, practice social distancing,” the Mayor concluded.

The latest Sabine Parish Coronavirus numbers according to a Monday post by District Attorney Don Burkett are 34 verified cases of COVID-19 parish-wide, with 19 persons presumed recovered.

It looks like Sabine has done and is doing a good job of “flattening the curve,” which is what the experts have asked citizens to do all along.

That is all for this 13th day of May. Thank you for reading. I love to hear your ideas and suggestions for future articles. Please call me at (318) 332-8653 or send an email to and let me know what’s on your mind. To save, send or print this week’s column, click on the appropriate icon below. To read older Observations, follow the pages below or visit our Facebook page.


Author: Gentry