Wednesday, July 12, 2023
[NOTE TO READERS: There was an abundance of news this week and we weren’t able to cover it all. Hopefully next week we can catch up. Thanks for reading Observations each week.]
Observations met on June 30 with Robeline Mayor Gordon O’Con, Clerk Celeste O’Con and her husband Wayne O’Con to discuss the Village’s finances in relation to charges which have been made by Alderman Rodney French and longtime Robeline critic Terri Matthews. Both have been leveling charges for the past six months and prior to that, Ms. Matthews for 13 years, according to her daughter, Kathy Marie Bawden.
We found the officials to be very forthcoming with information and willing to explain any question we had. They commented that they wanted a transparent administration and would provide any information to anyone who requested it.
While we were there, French came in and was warmly greeted. He had requested bank statements from Dec. 2022-May 2023, copies of all insurance policies paid by the Village, a list of all lands owned by the village and a list of all ordinances passed by the Village. Both he and Ms. Matthews had made claims that they could not get information from the Village.
Ms. O’Con had informed French that the information he requested was ready on June 29, but he did not pick it up. While he was there on June 30, she again told him the information was ready, but he again walked out without it. Observations checked this week, and we learned that he still has not picked up the over 200 pages of records copied for him but said he would when he had a day off from work. While he was in the office on June 30, Ms. O’Con asked if there were any records he would like to see while he was there and he said there was not.
Concerning the budget, the Council okayed it at the June 29 meeting and held a public hearing prior to the session where anyone could comment. The hearing was posted and also advertised in The Natchitoches Parish Journal.
The budget was for $595,626. Of this amount, $250,000 is budgeted for payroll. Ms. O’Con said this amount is based on the last fiscal year’s payroll. Salaried employees total $133,800 and hourly employees amount to $100,888.78. This comes to $234,688.78, and the Village plans to hire an additional police officer which will be added to the payroll.
Mayor O’Con pointed out his administration was “coming in on a bad situation” from the previous administration, pointing out they have only been in office about six months. He said the Village only had $42,000 in the bank when they took office, and they had to pay off a note of $18,000 on a truck. In addition, when the current administration came into office, they learned the Village owed delinquent taxes to both federal and state governments.
Additionally, French and Ms. Matthews had questions about the values of the recreation pavilion and park listed at $209,000 and office equipment and furniture valued at $92,389. The present administration did not set these values, they were carried over from the previous administration.
All of the figures shared with us during the June 30 visit came from the actual financial report prepared out of office, which we looked at ourselves. What was told us was reflected in Village records, which we also looked at during our visit.
Observations appreciates the opportunity to meet with the Robeline officials and found them to be very open, above-board and willing to answer any question and provide any information requested.
Unless someone comes forward with actual evidence of wrongdoing instead of inuendo and speculation, this writes finis on the matter for us.

Robeline Alderman Rodney French informed us he did not vote for adoption of the $595,626 Robeline budget on June 29 as reported in last week’s Observations. He called saying that he made the statement “I’m okay with it,” but said he was talking about $10,000 in the budget for events, beautification and recreation, not the budget.
Village Clerk Celeste O’Con told Observations that there was a recording of the meeting, which she played for French, and that French did make the above statement, but then she asked him how he was voting on the budget, and he replied “Yes.”

(All persons are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.)
Moeshia Marshae Sloan, 26, of Many was booked into the Sabine Parish Detention Center on one count of Second-degree murder following the Sunday, July 9, stabbing of a man at the Apollo Plaza Apartments complex on Middle Creek Rd.
Word coming to Observations is the altercation was between domestic partners and was not drug related. The stabbing is believed to have occurred inside at about 4:30 p.m., after which the victim ran from a doorway to the outside.
“Info is not available [regarding the incident] as reports are not yet finalized, and we are waiting for investigation details to come back,” Many Police Chief Cheryl Wooley stated.
The man was treated by EMTs at the scene and transported to Sabine Medical Center where he was later pronounced dead.

Following up on other Many Police Dept. cases, all but one are considered solved.
Many Collision Center Burglary – In the Many Collision Center burglary case, in which one shotgun, four pistols and approximately $3,500 in cash were stolen, the Many PD came back with a DNA match from their investigation.
“We were fortunate enough to find DNA that matched was already in the system,” Chief Wooley reported. “We anticipate an apprehension soon,” she said.
Stolen 2019 Ford Fusion – Regarding the 2019 Ford Fusion, which was reported missing Friday morning, July 7, Chief Wooley shared, “We worked with a tracking company and were able to locate the stolen vehicle in New Llano. The car had been abandoned and another in New Llano stolen.”
The Many PD continues to work with New Llano police to get the vehicle processed and returned to its owner here in Many.
The investigation into this theft continues. This is the second car stolen from a Many resident in the last few months which turned up in New Llano.
Fraudulent Rx Case – In the recent case of someone presenting fraudulent prescriptions at Curtis Family Pharmacy, you will recall two arrests were made. A third person has been identified who is out of state and whose whereabouts require tracking down.
“We are still working with the state and feds on this case. It has spread to at least four other states now,” Chief Wooley shared. “The feds are working cases on some of the pharmacies hit elsewhere, including Alabama, Georgia and Florida. It’s become a sprawling case,” she stated.
Apparently multiple pharmacies in Louisiana were targeted ranging from Many southward.
The Many PD is working closely with State Police and the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) to wrap up this case.
Stolen 2020 Honda Accord – Most users of social media are aware a black 2020 Honda Accord was stolen from an Andries St. residence early Wednesday morning, July 5.
The car’s owner shared security camera video of suspects lurking around and entering a car at her family’s residence, posting “It was stolen from my house on Andries Street in Many by an armed male at 4:41 this morning.” She also shared the car’s license plate number.
Chief Wooley spoke with Observations about the case Monday evening saying, “We got a hit on it in Houston, TX, and the Houston Police Dept. made arrests Saturday night.”
Our best info is that when the vehicle was stopped by the Houston PD, inside were two adults and three juveniles, all from Sabine Parish. It is not known for sure, but it is probable the car was immediately taken to Houston after it was stolen.
“We are working with Houston PD to get all their reports and body cam footage so we can finish up our investigation here,” Chief Wooley reported.
In Texas, age 17 is considered an adult, and it is Observations’ understanding that at least one 17-year-old was booked as an adult in Texas, is being detained in Houston and facing charges.
“We do not know yet for sure, but the vehicle may have been used in a robbery earlier in the week [between Wednesday and Saturday] in Houston. We are awaiting results from that investigation to find out about that, as well,” Chief Wooley explained.
Regarding the car theft, she said, “The investigation is ongoing, and more arrests are anticipated.”
Citizen are advised to lock their cars. Chief Wooley requested, “Please remind everyone to take their keys out of their cars and to lock their vehicles. We have no tolerance for these thefts, and we are working with every agency we can to make sure we get all the culprits,” she said.
A juvenile curfew remains in effect. Be advised there is a juvenile curfew in Many, and Chief Wooley said it will be enforced by the Many PD. Juveniles are not allowed to be out alone or out with other juveniles between the hours of 10 p.m. and 5 a.m. from Sunday through Thursday. On Friday and Saturday nights, they are not to be out between midnight and 5 a.m.
(Special thanks to my wife Laurie for her assistance on the two articles above.)

Sheriff Aaron Mitchell recently reported the arrest of Waylon Maurice Sepulvado, age 43, of Zwolle on Monday afternoon, July 3.
The incident leading to his arrest unfolded at around 3:30 p.m. on Monday, July 3. Sabine Parish Sheriff Dispatch received a 911 call from a woman stating she was being chased in her SUV by her estranged boyfriend, Waylon Sepulvado, in his Acura four-door car. She said Sepulvado tried to block her in, forced her off the road, pointed a gun at her, and shot at her vehicle several times while traveling on North Toledo Park Rd. Her vehicle was damaged when Sepulvado forced her off the road several times. The woman was able to get away from Sepulvado, and she was not injured.
Sabine Parish Sheriff Deputies were able to catch up to Sepulvado on Hwy. 3229. Sepulvado fled from deputies to Hwy. 191, then south to Carters Ferry Rd. Sepulvado was driving at a high rate of speed and forced other vehicles off the road.
Tactical Narcotics Team (TNT) Agents were able to stop Sepulvado’s vehicle on Carters Ferry Rd. where he ran into the woods carrying his gun. Deputies and agents caught Sepulvado in the woods and took him into custody. Sepulvado had suspected methamphetamine and a glass smoking device in his pocket when he was arrested. Deputies also located Sepulvado’s loaded 9mm semi-automatic pistol in the woods near him.
Sepulvado had been arrested in 2017 for battering this same woman, and there was an active protective order against him from her.
Sepulvado was booked into the Sabine Parish Detention Center for: three counts Aggravated assault with a firearm, Violation of protective order, Possession of firearm of person convicted of domestic abuse battery, Aggravated obstructing highways of commerce, Aggravated criminal damage to property, Aggravated flight from an officer, Resisting an officer, Possession of firearm by a person convicted of certain felonies, Possession of schedule II (Meth), Possession of drug paraphernalia, and Possession of firearm in presence of CDS.
Sepulvado was scheduled for a court appearance last week. Possible federal charges are pending through the United States Postal Inspection Service.
(Special thanks to Det. D. W. Seegers for the information above.)

Sheriff Aaron Mitchell recently reported the Sunday evening, July 9, arrest of Brice Samuel Foy, age 18, of Shreveport and a 17-year-old juvenile from Many.
The arrests stemmed from an incident which took place in Mansfield on July 6. A 20-year-old Mansfield man claimed Foy and the juvenile pointed a gun at him at his home and shot at him as they drove away. Mansfield Police Department obtained arrest warrants for Foy and the juvenile for aggravated assault with a firearm.
On Sunday evening, information was received that Foy and the juvenile were at a house on West 2nd St. in Pleasant Hill. Sabine Parish Sheriff Special Operations Group (SOG) was deployed to the residence where Foy and the juvenile were taken into custody.
Foy was booked into the Sabine Parish Detention Center for a warrant: one count of Aggravated Assault with a Firearm. He is being held for Mansfield PD.
The 17-year-old juvenile was also charged with three additional firearm charges in an unrelated case by Sabine Parish Sheriff Juvenile Detectives. He was taken and released to Mansfield PD where he will be transferred to the Ware Youth Center in Coushatta.
(All persons are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.)
(Special thanks to Det. D. W. Seegers for the above report.)

Pat Scarborough, candidate for Police Juror from Dist. 5, has questioned why notices of the Sabine Parish Jury and Jury meetings have not been posted 24 hours prior, as required by state law. You will recall that Scarborough started the Sabine Parish Citizens for Better Roads group on Facebook, which led to the recall of Dist. 5 Juror Jeff “Gilligan” Davidson.
“The Jury has suddenly been having a lot of special called meetings,” Scarborough wrote. “Jurors are notified the morning of the special meetings; many can’t attend because of the late notice. I check the site daily for meeting notices. Either they haven’t been posted 24 hours ahead of time or I’ve just missed them. [Which is] Not likely.”
He continued, “I’ve heard that if I am elected that not all but a majority of the other Jurors will block everything I try to do. I will accomplish nothing, and my district will get nothing for four years. Warning: This is malfeasance. It is illegal, and I will not hesitate to file charges against any Juror who participates. This is exactly why we need a new Police Jury.”
And lastly, Scarborough has asked Juror Ronnie Bison, who replaced Gilligan on the Jury, to put the following on the agenda for the next Jury meeting: “Discuss the reason special Police Jury meetings are being called, and how Jurors and the public are notified.”

Sheriff Aaron Mitchell reported last Friday the Sabine Parish Detention Center Inmate Litter Crew stats for the first half of this year. He is passionate about keeping Sabine Parish litter free. Sheriff Mitchell sometimes joins the litter crew on the side of the roadways across the parish to pick up trash.
The litter crew is comprised of six to eight inmates, supervised by Deputies Stanley Neal and Mike Rutherford, working an average of eight hours per day each month.
The litter pick up stats are as follows for 2023:
January – 1015 bags over 76 miles;
February – 1515 bags over 118 miles;
March – 1275 bags over 96 miles;
April – 290 bags over 26 miles;
May – 1550 bags over 125 miles; and
June – 540 bags over 65 miles.
The Sheriff’s office notes, “This is entirely too much trash being scattered across our roads in Sabine Parish.”
Sabine Parish Sheriff Deputies will be actively looking for “litterbugs” and taking reports of trash dumped across the parish. Citations will be issued to anyone caught littering.
Sheriff Mitchell says, “If we all work together and do our part, we can make Sabine Parish roadways cleaner.”
(Thanks to Det. D. W. Seegers for the report above.)

A Shreveport man believed to be behind the death of Terry Morris, 20, apparently passed through Sabine Parish on July 5 as he attempted to escape. Texas Sheriff Robert Cartwright said that around 4 p.m. on July 5, Morris was murdered in Shreveport. Kenavion Marquise Baker, 26, the alleged suspect, fled Shreveport.
A nationwide “be on the lookout” (BOLO) was issued and later that night, Shreveport Police gathered information that the get-away car was headed toward Texas. Sabine Parish deputies began a search and alerted the San Augustine Country Sheriff’s Department.
Authorities pinged Baker’s phone and a 15-minute car chase began that eventually ended in San Augustine County. The sheriff said Morris abandoned his car and ran but was arrested.

Sheriff Mitchell announces 39 March-June Felony Narcotic, Firearm Arrests
On Friday, Sheriff Aaron Mitchell announced the felony drug and gun arrests for the last four months.
Approximately 12 ounces of suspected marijuana, 1.35 pounds of methamphetamine, 307 Ecstasy pills, 73 Fentanyl pills, numerous drug paraphernalia, and 13 firearms were taken off the streets of Sabine Parish over the last few months in these arrests.
Also, four subjects were indicted in U.S. District Court, Western District of Louisiana in Shreveport for federal drug charges.
Arrested in March were:
Sharon Denise Chapman, age 39, of Pineville – Possession of schedule ll (Meth), Possession of firearm in presence of CDS, and Possession of CDS in the presence of persons under age 17. Her bond was set at $1,000, and she bonded.
Jamarcus Jamall Epps, age 29, of Many – Possession of firearm by person convicted of certain felonies. His bond was set at $15,000; he is wanted at this time.
Nathan C. Remedies, age 22, of Zwolle – Possession of schedule I (Marijuana), Possession of schedule II (Meth), and Headlights required. Bond was set at $500, and he bonded.
Edward Lamar Glynn Jr., age 29, of Many – Warrant for: Possession of schedule I (Marijuana), Possession with intent to distribute schedule II (Meth), Possession of firearm in the presence of CDS, Possession of firearm by persons convicted of certain felonies, and Possession of stolen things less than $1000. His bond was set at $40,000, and he remains in jail.
Ladonna Robinson, age 40, of Mansfield – Possession of schedule II (Meth), Possession of CDS in presence of persons under age 17, No child restraint, Driving while license suspended, and No license plate lights. Bond was set at $3,500, and she bonded.
Johnathan Brett Leone, age 40, of Zwolle – Possession of schedule II (Meth), Possession of drug paraphernalia, Modified exhaust, and Operating vehicle while license is suspended. His bond was set at $5,000, and he bonded.
Joseph Dewayne Sepulvado, age 43, of Zwolle – Possession of schedule II (Meth), Illegal use CDS in the presence of persons under age 17, Possession of firearm while in possession of CDS, and Possession of a firearm by person convicted of certain felonies. His bond was set at $20,000, and he remains in jail.
Arrested in April were:
Troy Douglas Thomas Jr., age 24, of Many – Warrant for: Distribution of schedule I (Marijuana), Distribution of schedule IV (Xanax), Criminal conspiracy to commit distribution of schedule I and Principal to distribution of schedule I. Bond was set at $10,000, and he remains in jail.
Shadasia S. Johnson, age 18, of Many – Warrant for: Distribution of schedule I (Marijuana) and Criminal conspiracy to commit distribution of schedule I. Bond was set at $5,000, and she bonded.
Alonzo Dharry Carter, age 22, of Many – Possession of firearm by person convicted of certain felonies. Bond was set at $50,000, and he remains in jail.
Lewis Edmond Milem III, age 36, of Zwolle – Possession of schedule I (Marijuana), Possession with intent to distribute schedule II (Meth), Possession of drug paraphernalia, Battery of a peace officer, Resisting an officer with force or violence, Improper lane usage and Vehicles without required equipment or in unsafe condition. Bond was set at $30,000, and he remains in jail.
Gregory Bernard Thomas, age 38, of Many – Possession of schedule II (Ecstasy) and Contraband in penal institution prohibited. Bond was set at $5,000, and he bonded.
Anthony Coswell Jr., age 35, of Many – Possession with intent to distribute schedule I (Marijuana), Possession of schedule I (THC Wax), Possession with intent to distribute schedule II (Ecstasy), Possession of schedule IV (Xanax), Possession of drug paraphernalia, Possession of firearm by convicted felon, Possession of firearm with CDS and Possession of CDS in drug free zone. Bond was set at $50,000, and he bonded.
Jeremy Austin Cuevas, age 35, of Many – Possession of schedule I (Marijuana), Possession of schedule II (Fentanyl), Possession of drug paraphernalia, Resisting an officer and two warrants for Felony Theft. Total bonds were set at $18,000, and he remains in jail.
Sergio A. Valdez, age 27, of Zwolle – Possession of schedule II (Cocaine & Fentanyl) and Possession of drug paraphernalia. Bond was set at $7,500, and he bonded.
Cassie Larron Beason, age 52, of Converse – Possession of schedule II (Meth), Possession of drug paraphernalia and View outward or inward through windshield or windows, obscuring prohibited. Bond was set at $5,000, and he remains in jail.
Arrested in May were:
Damien Stephon Slaughter, age 19, of Campti – Possession of schedule I (Marijuana), Possession of schedule II (Fentanyl), No seatbelt and Certain lights around license plate prohibited. Bond was set at $0, and he was released.
Frederick Lynn Carhee Jr., age 24, of Many – Possession of schedule II (Meth), Possession of drug paraphernalia and Obstruction of justice. Bond was set at $3,000, and he bonded.
Dakota Lee McLendon, age 20, of Zwolle – Warrant for Distribution of schedule II (Fentanyl), Two warrants for Felony Burglary and Theft of a firearm. Total bonds were set at $35,000, and he remains in jail.
Mckenzie Rae Francois, age 30, of Noble – Possession of schedule II (Meth), Possession of drug paraphernalia, Driving while license suspended and No license plate light. Bond was set at $1,500, and she bonded.
Twan Tortez Davis, age 38, of Many – Possession of schedule II (Meth). Bond was set at $3,000, and he remains in jail.
Kevin Dewayne Conley, age 46, of Many – Warrant for two counts of Distribution of schedule II (Meth). Bond was set at $35,000, and he remains in jail.
Paula Josephine Hoer, age 41, of Many – Possession of schedule II (Meth) and Possession of drug paraphernalia. Bond was set at $0, and she was released.
Jamie Lester Longoria, age 51, of Many – Warrant for three counts of Distribution of schedule II (Meth). No bond was set, and he remains in jail.
Kyle Wayne Wallace, age 31, of Many – Possession of schedule II (Meth), Expired vehicle registration, No vehicle insurance and Driving while license suspended. Bond was set at $3,500, and he bonded.
Eric Wayne McPherson, age 44, of Many – Possession of firearm by person convicted of domestic abuse battery. No bond was set, and he remains in jail.
Ian Seth Isgitt, age 37, of Natchitoches – Possession of schedule II (Meth) and Possession of drug paraphernalia. Bond was set at $1,500, and he bonded.
Timothy Wayne Seward, age 41, of Zwolle – Possession of schedule II (Meth), Possession of drug paraphernalia, No turn signal and Certain lights around license plate prohibited. Bond was set at $2,500, and he remains in jail.
Alyssa Danielle Delatin, age 26, of Zwolle – Possession with intent to distribute schedule II (Meth), Possession with intent to distribute schedule II (Fentanyl), Possession of drug paraphernalia, Four counts of Possession of CDS in presence of person under age 17, Careless operation, Illegal window tint, Driving while license suspended and No child restraint. She bonded.
Brittany Markay McCollister, age 30, of Many – Principle to Possession with intent to distribute schedule II (Meth), Principle to Possession with intent to distribute schedule II (Fentanyl), Principle to 4-counts of Possession of CDS in presence of person under age 17 and Contraband in penal institution prohibited. Bond was set at $10,000, and she bonded.
John Wesley Braud, age 47, of Many – Possession of firearm by person convicted of certain felonies. Bond was set at $7,000, and he remains in jail.
John Duke Sonnier, age 35, of Anacoco – Possession of schedule II (Meth), Possession of firearm by person convicted of certain felonies, Possession of firearm while in possession of CDS, Possession of drug paraphernalia and Criminal trespass. Bond was set at $10,000, and he remains in jail.
Arrested in June were:
Shama Renee Manshack, age 39, of Many – Possession of schedule I (Marijuana), Possession of schedule II (Meth) and Entry after being forbidden. Bond was set at $0, and she was sent to CADA.
Hailey D. Barnhart, age 30, of Many – Warrant for: Possession of schedule II (Meth), Possession of drug paraphernalia, Driving while license suspended and No vehicle insurance. Bond was set at $2,500, and she bonded.
Samuel Lira Fuentes, age 52, of Mansfield – Possession of schedule II (Meth), Littering, Taillights required, Switched license plate and No vehicle insurance. Bond was set at $0, and he was released.
Donnie Ray Downs, age 56, of Florien – Possession of schedule I (Marijuana), Possession with intent to distribute schedule II (Meth), Possession of drug paraphernalia, three counts of Possession of firearm in presence of CDS, three counts of Illegal use of CDS in presence of persons under age 17, Warrant for three counts of Distribution of schedule II (Meth) and Warrant for three counts of Illegal use of CDS in presence of persons under age 17. Total bond was set at $80,000, and he bonded.
Elizabeth Ann Smith, age 36, of Florien – Warrant for two counts of Distribution of schedule II (Meth). Bond was set at $5,000, and she bonded.
Marcus Arnell Staton, age 51, of Zwolle – Possession of firearm by person convicted of certain felonies, Illegal window tint, Modified exhaust and Warrant for three counts of Distribution of schedule II (Meth). Total bonds were set at $30,000, and he bonded.
Joanna Carpenter, age 46, of Zwolle – Possession of schedule II (Meth) and Possession of drug paraphernalia. Bond was set at $2,500, and she bonded.
(A big thank you to Det. D. W. Seegers, who provided all of the above information.)
[NOTE: Bond amounts are not crime-related punishment, but based on several factors, such as arrest, criminal background and likelihood of flight before trial. The amount is set to ensure the defendant will come to court for criminal proceedings. Generally, the greater the risk the defendant will not come to court, the higher the bond.]

Word is one of the vehicles stolen in Many last week belonged to Joseph Rainer who works for the Sheriff’s Department. Reports are the car was unlocked and the keys left in it. For shame. For shame. Unfortunately, Many is not Mayberry, folks.