Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Buddy Wood, who has owned and operated the C. R. “Buddy” Wood State Farm Insurance Agency in Many for many years, has donated $100,000 to the Northwestern State Athletic Department, part of which will be used to start an endowment toward the Buddy Wood Family Scholarship. It is interesting to note that Buddy was graduated from Northwestern and for several years was the voice of Demon Sports Network.
“It’s a continuing reinvestment in what Northwestern State has done and has meant to me through the years,” Buddy stated. “I feel we as alumni have an obligation to give back and reinvest in the university that educated us and helped launch the careers that put us where we are now.”
Buddy’s gift will benefit the athletic department as a whole while the scholarship will be built through the Perpetually Purple endowment program.
“It is alumni like Buddy who make NSU Athletics so special and continue to make a difference for our student athletes,” former NSU Associate Athletic Director for External Affairs Ryan Hall said. “The entire Demon athletic family is so grateful for the contribution that will only enhance all of our programs.”
Enhancing NSU’s athletic programs while aiding student athletes was equally important to Buddy. “I want our university to prosper, and I want our athletic programs to prosper,” he stated. “It’s a great way to support the development of student-athletes and hopefully help them launch careers that will make them as fortunate and blessed as I am.”
We congratulate Buddy for his kind generosity to NSU.

This year began my 66th year of writing columns for both newspapers and, for the last several years, the internet. My first column started in 1957 when I was a junior at Marthaville High School. I began writing a column for both the Natchitoches Times and Natchitoches Enterprise entitled “Around Marthaville High School.”
During my years at Northwestern, I wrote a political column for the Times entitled “Ballyhoo.” When I was editor of the Northwestern newspaper, The Current Sauce, I wrote a regular column titled, “From The Editor’s Easy Chair.”
After I came to the Index, I used that same column heading for a while, and then many years ago, changed the name to “Observations, News, Views, Facts and Opinions.”
After I sold the Index, by the grace of my long-time friend, Tedd Dumas, I moved into an office at the radio station. Tedd asked me to continue writing Observations for, and that is where we are at this point in time.
Former Index employee Will Adams recently wondered if the many years of my column writing may hold a record in Louisiana. We don’t know and wonder, too.

Many businessman Blake Byles has announced that as of Jan. 1, Clark’s Trucking of Many merged and is working under the name of EarthMovers Construction. He said the business, started by Kelvin Clark, will be expanding under his leadership and will take care of each of their valued customers.
Kelvin will continue to manage and oversee the business as he has done for 30 years. The same morals, values and work ethic that he has always used to conduct his business will continue.
For some years now, Blake has successfully built up his Delta Energy Distribution Co. which deals in lubricants, specialty chemicals and honey oil. His company combines the highest quality products with exceptional oilfield services and people.
Delta Energy is headquartered in Natchitoches and they serve both major and independent oil and gas companies. Currently, the firm provides top quality products and services to customers in the Gulf of Mexico and across 10 states including Louisiana, Texas, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Mississippi, Alabama, Montana, North Dakota, Alaska and Wyoming.
The company has an outstanding reputation as a leading provider for products, services and recommendations ranging from drilling and completions, production, workover and midstream applications.
Blake may be reached by calling (318) 581-5484.

An open house and dedication of the new North Sabine Fire Protection District Central Fire Station was held Tuesday afternoon, Jan. 3. A nice crowd turned out for the event, which was conducted by Fire Chief Nick Spann.

“It is a very historic day for us,” Spann said, “because no one else has anything like this most modern fire station in Northwest Louisiana.” He said the fire station would serve the needs of the District for the next 50 years. It has everything you could put in a fire station, plus much more.
The new station has an exhaust system for the fire trucks integrated within the station, a weight training room, a nice office and room for the chief, recliners and sleeping quarters for firemen on duty, an indoor kitchen, an outdoor kitchen with fire pit, an 80-inch screen TV and plenty of space.
“This is the flagship of the North Sabine Fire District,” Spann pointed out. “This is the perfect location for us. We looked 17 years to find this place. We are showing the taxpayers that we are making wise use of their money.”
The chief said the Fire District is comprised of Wards 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10, serves an area of 425 square miles and a population of 11,000 to 12,000. He said the District was founded in 1985 and now has 16 stations and 45 vehicles.
“Firefighters are worth their weight in gold,” he commented. The Chief said few folks want to be volunteer firefighters anymore and have to be paid. But there still are some part-time volunteers. “You have to have a servant’s heart to be a fireman,” he commented, saying last year North Sabine District handled 1,300 calls. “We want to progress and move forward,” he said of the District.
The Chief along with Firefighter Haden Ezernack proudly showed those in attendance a Lucas device, which performs CPR automatically with perfect compressions. Spann said the machine cost over $20,000, and he thanked the Fire Board for allowing the station to buy it. He happily reported it has already been used and saved a life.
Instead of a traditional ribbon cutting, the ceremony was handled when Fire Engine No. 1 drove from outside the building inside, breaking a ribbon strung across the bay door as it entered.
Once the big engine was inside, a quick demonstration of the state-of-the-art MagneGrip magnetic exhaust disposal system was shown. Large exhaust disposal hoses connect magnetically to the exhausts on the trucks, then when a fire call comes in and an engine leaves the station, the hose disconnects as the truck pulls away, and it retracts automatically. Careful disposal of exhaust prevents toxic fumes from entering the station and affecting firefighters’ health.
The gathering was opened with prayer by Father Keith Garvin, pastor of St. Joseph Catholic Church in Zwolle. He also sprinkled holy water on many things in and around the fire station, blessing each item. Before he made his rounds, Father Garvin shared he is a former law enforcement officer and supports law enforcement and firefighters very much.
Refreshments were served and blessed beforehand by Brother Danny Asbell, who recently retired from the Bossier City Fire Department and said the new facility was the “Finest fire station I’ve ever seen,” including all those in Bossier and Shreveport.
Spann recognized three members of the Fire Board who were present: Larry Patrick of Converse, Jerry Campbell of Pleasant Hill and Steve Ezernack of Noble. He also recognized Zwolle Mayor Marvin Frazier, Noble Mayor Beverly Rivers and Chief Mark Treadway with the State Fire Marshal’s Office.
He paid special recognition to Larry Cryer who was the first Secretary-Treasurer for the Board, who came from Jonesboro with his wife Mary for the event. He said he had not seen Cryer in 24 years. He also pointed out Gary Mark Rivers and Jim Veuleman and stated, “I learned so much from them on the first Board.”
In addition, the Chief remembered two Board Members no longer with us: Jerry McDonald and Les Zuel. Other members of the first Board were Rich Remedies, Vice-President; Kenneth Ebarb, Ricky Sepulvado, Steve Ezernack and Jerry Campbell.
James W. Dean Architects drew plans for the building, and Tudo was the contractor, represented at the meeting by Richard Sanders.
After the ceremony, visitors were invited to freely explore the new facility.

Sheriff Aaron Mitchell recently announced the December 2022 Felony Narcotic and Firearm Arrests.
Over two pounds of suspected marijuana, over 12.5 ounces of suspected methamphetamine, various pills and drug paraphernalia, seven firearms, and over $6,000 in cash was seized during these arrests last month.
Arrested were:
Thomas Paul Oakley, age 27, of Converse – Violation of Protective Order by possessing a firearm.
His bond was set at $10,000, and he bonded.
Mark Wayne Rachal, age 51, of Natchitoches – Possession of schedule II (Meth), Second or subsequent offenses, Possession of drug paraphernalia, Driving while license suspended, Modified exhaust and No license plate light.
His bond was set at $0, and he was sent to CADA rehabilitation.
Erica N. Jenkins, age 33, of Pelican – Possession of schedule I (Marijuana), Possession of schedule II (Meth), Possession of drug paraphernalia, Warrant for FTA for Possession of schedule II (Meth), Theft of a firearm, Simple burglary, Warrant for FTA for Possession of drug paraphernalia, Simple criminal damage to property, Criminal trespass, and Resisting an officer.
Her total bond was set at $3,500, and she bonded.
Krystal Lynn Malmay, age 40, of Converse – Possession of schedule II (Meth), Possession of drug paraphernalia, Illegal window tint, Warrant for Theft (Many PD), Warrant for Arraignment (Desoto Parish) and Warrant for Probation hearing (Evangeline Parish).
Her bond was set at $3,000 for Possession of schedule II, Drug paraphernalia and Illegal tint; and she remains in jail.
Jeffery Lance Parrie, age 37, of Zwolle – Possession of schedule I (Marijuana), Possession of schedule II (Meth), Possession of drug paraphernalia, Illegal window tint, Modification of exhaust systems, Swapped vehicle license, Warrant for Probation violation and Warrant for FTA for Theft $100-$5000.
His total bond was set at $5,250, he remains in jail for a probation hold.
Latha Joe Pegues, age 40, of Many – Federal warrant for three counts of Distribution of Methamphetamine.
He was transferred to federal custody in Shreveport.
Tina Wright Callender, age 60, of Converse – Possession of schedule II (Meth), Possession of firearm in presence of CDS, Improper lane usage and No seatbelt.
Her bond was set at $7,500, and she remains in jail.
Cassie Larron Beason, age 52, of Converse – Possession of schedule II (Meth), Second or subsequent offenses, Improper equipment and Expired MVI.
His bond was set at $3,000, and he remains in jail.
Lee Wayne Carpenter, age 52, of Zwolle – Possession of schedule II (Meth), Warrant for Theft under $1000, Use of communication device while driving prohibited and No vehicle insurance (Zwolle PD).
His bond for Possession of schedule II was set at $3,000. He paid fines for Zwolle warrant, and he bonded.
Paul Eugene Smith, age 51, of Zwolle – Warrant for Distribution of schedule I (Marijuana) and two counts Distribution of schedule II (Meth).
His bond was set at $15,000, and he bonded.
Michael Dwayne Garner, age 38, of Zwolle – Possession of schedule I (Marijuana), Possession of schedule II (Meth), Second or subsequent offenses and Improper lane usage.
His bond was set at $4,000, and he remains in jail.
Codey Wayne Colston, age 29, of Many – Possession of schedule II (Meth), Second or subsequent offenses, Modified exhaust system, No vehicle insurance, Warrant for FTA for Unauthorized use of moveable, Simple criminal damage to property $1000-$50,000 and Warrant for FTA for Criminal trespass.
His total bond was set at $4,500, he remains in jail.
Bacelis Brito Perry, age 46, of Zwolle – Possession with intent to distribute schedule I (Marijuana), Possession with intent to distribute schedule II (Meth) and Possession of drug paraphernalia, Second or subsequent offenses.
His bond was set at $80,300 and he bonded.
Scott William Wood, age 41, of Noble – Possession with intent to distribute schedule II (Meth), Possession of firearm in presence of CDS and Possession of firearm by person convicted of certain felonies.
His bond was set at $60,000, and he remains in jail.
Chiquita Ramick Garner, age 34, of Zwolle – Warrant for two counts of Distribution of schedule II (Meth), Possession of firearm in presence of CDS and Possession of firearm by person convicted of certain felonies.
Her bond was set at $20,000, and she remains in jail.
(Special thanks to Det. D.W. Seegers for the information above.)
NOTE: Bond amounts are based on several factors, including arrest, the defendant’s criminal background and the likelihood of flight before trail. As all persons are presumed innocent until proven guilty, the bond amount is not a punishment, but an amount to make sure the defendant appears in court for the criminal proceedings. Generally, the higher the risk of non-appearance before the court, the higher the bond.

Barbara Lopez, who has 40 years’ experience in tax preparation, has opened Barbara’s Tax Service and Notary in Zwolle.
Her experience started at the Many Pawn Shop, which she managed for years. Part of her duties there was tax preparation. Barbara worked for the late Rose Downs in Florien for six years. In addition, she has had her own tax service in Zwolle for 10 years.
She has always kept up with the latest changes in tax work by taking online courses.
“I want to urge all my former customers to let me do their tax work,” she said. “I am honest, hard-working and will get your work done in a timely manner. And my prices are reasonable.”
Barbara said she prefers people to make appointments, but walk-ins and drop-offs are welcome.
Her hours are Monday – Friday from 9 a.m. until 5 p.m. and on Saturday from 9 a.m. until noon. The office is located at 825 Maple St. in Zwolle, and her phone numbers are (318) 471-4262 and (318) 645-6012.

As many of you may know, my wife Laurie has just finished undergoing chemotherapy for treatment of cancer. So, when she woke up with a terribly severe earache Thursday morning, Jan. 12, we were very concerned. We quickly went to the emergency room at Sabine Medical Center (SMC) in Many where Dr. Mark Holder met us.
He is such a fine gentleman and doctor, and he immediately went to work to be sure something serious had not developed due to her compromised immunity following chemo. He also took the necessary steps to get her relief and healing. We recognize and appreciate Nurse Cory Clifton as well, who did his part in giving great care.
I have had the privilege of knowing Dr. Holder for many years now and have always found him to be “top of the line.” I don’t know how he gets it all done: Chief of Staff at SMC, Emergency Room Doctor, Detective with Many Police Department and Parish Coroner. He does it all.
We are so blessed to have him serving Sabine Parish in so many ways and are fortunate to be able to call him “friend.”

John Stewart, shown at right in the photo, was sworn in as School Board Member from District 6, which is Ward 5, on Monday evening, Jan. 10. Holding the Bible at left is his father Harold Stewart, who previously served as School Board Member in the District for 16 years. John is happy to follow the footsteps left by his father and to add to the “Stewart legacy.” Thanks to Gabe Stewart for supplying the photo.
New School Board President Dale Skinner who represents Dist. 9 requested someone in the School Board office supply Observations with a picture of the new Board which was sworn in on Jan. 10, and he told us it would be done. We never received the photo, although we called the Board office about it on Jan. 11 and were told the photos needed to be edited and then would be sent to us.

Pat Scarborough of Sabine Citizens for Better Roads issued the call last week for folks to run for Police Jury in Districts 2, 3, 5, 7, 8 and 9. The group is nearing 2,000 members strong and has been gaining success and popularity.
Scarborough wrote: “It’s not that the current Jurors are bad guys – it’s just that when roads are intentionally damaged and then the Jurors think up a bunch of BS excuses why they can’t be fixed, and then get tired of the residents complaining and implement a gag order and put in a big shot clock to intimidate them so the Jury won’t be bothered and get to have short meetings – they need to find something to do other than public service. Help us find these guys new jobs doing something else.”

Last week Sheriff Aaron Mitchell announced on Tedd Dumas’ popular “Open Line” radio program that he will seek reelection next year. Scarborough and his group endorsed the Sheriff for reelection.
Joy Scarborough wrote on Facebook: “This is one elected official who conducts himself responsibly, is respectful and is actually making a difference in our community. Sheriff Mitchell is an excellent example of what a public servant should be.”