Wednesday, July 13, 2022
WE GET LETTERS: This one is from Kenneth Ebarb, a member of the Sabine Parish Police Jury from District 8, since 2012. He is also a member of the Library Board. Gov. John Bel Edwards appointed him a member of the Louisiana Sabine River Authority in August 2021. According to information posted on the River Authority web site, he also serves on the Sabine Parish Sales and Use Tax Commission and the North Sabine Fire District. His letter, dated July 8, follows in its entirety:
“Mr. Gentry:
“I have read your articles on several occasions and in them you say, ‘We get letters.’ It is my hope that you print this letter in its entirety. If you choose not to, I will simply put it out on Facebook. Since the matter I will be addressing is to you, I will give you first choice.
“I read your Observations column from this past Tuesday, thank you for the picture. I don’t know where you got it, but considering how I look now, it must have been taken several years ago when I had not served so many years in the kitchen.
“They say the pen is mightier than the sword. Now this reasonably could have been argued pro or con in times gone by, but it is my considered opinion that this old adage is acutely true today, fomented by the invention of the internet and the evolution of social media. I would hope that you agree with me that those who control the media control the narrative. Just look at the state of the media today. As to the article I posted in the Cenla Report, I must admit I admired your journalistic gymnastics, deftly omitting the Louisiana Revised Statutes clearly pointing out my right and responsibility in serving on the Library Board.
“Correct me if I am wrong, but it seems you were quick to jump to the aid of your apparent friend Mr. Dumas. I don’t think he really needs that aid, but I applaud you for it. You media folk have got to stick together. Nevertheless, let us get it straight, you do not know me, and I do not know you. Whether or not you felt my response was directed at you is your affair, not mine.
“So, let me take this opportunity to clear up the matter of ethics. It is my OPINION that Mr. Dumas, on his radio show, talked about his letter to District Attorney asking that I be investigated for ethics violations in such a way as to cast me in a very negative light. Another old adage, ‘It’s not what you say, it’s how you say it’ seems particularly appropriate in this case. A major and foundational tenet of our great country is that a person accused of a crime (in this case ethics violation) is considered innocent until proven guilty. Tragically, the invention of shock radio and the onset of social media place this tenet at great risk. Today, one is automatically assumed to be guilty, simply because that person has already been trashed in the media, and found guilty in the court of public opinion.
“It is a FACT that this past Friday [July 1], District Attorney Burkett emailed Mr. Dumas with his decision, in what I already knew to be the case, and consistent with the contents of my full article in the Cenla Report, the text of DA Burkett’s email reads exactly as follows:
“‘Ted, I have researched the issue regarding Kenneth Ebarb’s dual service as an elected police jury member as well as a member of the library board. I have also consulted with a staff attorney at the Louisiana Board of Ethics. Mr. Ebarb serves on the library board pursuant to R.S. 25:214(B). This statute provides in part that the president of the police jury or his designee shall be an ex officio member of the library board. It is my understanding that Ebarb is the president’s designee. Further, I can find no violation of 42:1101 at seq (known as the La. Ethics Code) where the seconding of a motion and subsequent vote for said motion to place a library tax on the public ballot is a violation of said code. Don Burkett’
“Mr. Dumas, as I indicated, received this response on Friday, and I am not sure whether he addressed it on his popular radio show. I asked for an apology, am expectant that I get it, but certainly am not holding my breath. Further, I know there are people who will read this letter and still feel I am guilty as charged, and there is nothing I can do about that. However, the unexpected outpouring of support I have received from phone calls, to comments, to texts and face-to-face conversations, leaves me humbled and thankful. For those comments, I am eternally grateful, and ready to get back into the kitchen.
“Finally, let me address your remarks at the end of your article. Did you know I like Snark? I speak Snark. I have been in the kitchen serving the good people of Sabine Parish for ten and one-half years. It gets hot in the kitchen, really hot, but I have stayed the course. I don’t mind the heat, it is to be expected. The one thing that caused me [to] step out just for a second was any inference or reference that I am in any way unethical in the performance of my job duties. Mr. Burkett has cleared up this specific matter and I thank him for it. Those who choose to believe otherwise of course are entitled to their own OPINION.
“It is my intention to serve the remaining year and a half of my third term as Police Juror from District Eight. I am a proponent of term limits, and as such do not intend to seek re-election. At the expiration of my term, I am planning to leave the kitchen in the capable hands of all those who serve faithfully and ethically, and take up a hobby/occupation considerably easier than the Police Jury. Radio or journalism comes to mind, but armchair quarterbacking apparently is the soup du jour.
“Have a good day sir.
“Kenneth Ebarb, Police Juror, District Eight, Sabine Parish”
My Observations: First of all, to answer some of the matters concerning me that Mr. Ebarb’s letter posed. I thought my article made it very clear that Mr. Ebarb could serve on both the Jury and Library Board, even though I did not quote the Louisiana Revised Statutes. Second, I don’t think Mr. Ebarb’s threat to sue or get an apology is directed toward me. I simply reported what happened. There was no malice in my mind or my heart. Third, Observations asked Burkett if Dumas’ inquiry for information was a request, or an accusation that Ebarb had committed an ethical violation. The DA chose not to give an opinion. Fourth, the photo used of Mr. Ebarb last week came from the Sabine River Authority web site. I thought it was a good picture, even though I do not know him. And finally, there are those who believe if you do not like the message, then shoot the messenger. Thank God that was not the prevailing thought when Paul Revere made his ride.
I very much appreciate Mr. Ebarb’s letter, and I am impressed with his credentials. According to the River Authority web site, Mr. Ebarb was graduated from Northwestern State University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Sociology in 1975. He also received a Master of Science Degree in Rehab Counseling from Utah State in 1999. He retired in 2009 as the Regional Administrator for Louisiana Rehab Services. He is married to the former Tamilyn Talley, and they are the proud parents of three children. They are members of St. Joseph’s Catholic Church.
Let it be clear, I do not know Mr. Ebarb and have never expressed the opinion, written or spoken, that I thought he was unethical. Neither have I expressed an opinion about him as related to the proposed Library tax. I enjoyed his letter very much and appreciate Mr. Ebarb taking the time to write. Folks who know and speak to me about him, speak well of him and regard him very highly. He has a good reputation as far as I know.
And in closing, I wish to thank Mr. Ebarb again for writing his letter. I found it to have much depth, to be intelligent, to be to the point and to sometimes stray from the point, to be witty and humorous, and to be interesting. I hope he will come by my office sometime to visit. Depending on the time of day, I will buy him a cup of coffee or a good meal. That is, if Tedd will let me borrow some money.
And one more note, Mr. Ebarb, I, too, have served a long time in the kitchen. For over 60 years I have been the messenger that some folks love to hate. I have been cussed, called out to fight, had folks threaten to shoot me, try to blackmail me, close friends ignore me, talk ugly about me, and a lot of folks even threaten to sue me. But all those stories are for another day. Got to get back in the kitchen now and stir the pot.

$1,000.00 REWARD

It takes a stupid person to steal a mower from an ex-Sheriff, but that is what someone did to retired Sheriff Guffey Lynn Pattison on the night of July 5. It was a 2017 Exmark Radius X 52-inch zero-turn mower taken from the residence of Guffey and his wife Carol on the corner of Stoddard St. and West First St. in Pleasant Hill. The mower was in an adjacent storage building with the doors closed.
The Pattisons are offering a $1,000 reward for information leading to the arrests of the guilty parties and/or the return of the mower.
If you have any information, please contact Det. Trevor Beason at (318) 590-9475 or submit a tip through the Sabine Sheriff’s app.
The thieves apparently pushed the mower from the storage building to a place where they could crank it without waking anyone. It would have taken at least two people to do this. The thieves better be glad Carol didn’t see them, or they might still be picking shots out from the seat of their pants.

COVID REPORT, AS OF JULY 7: In Sabine Parish total active cases were 194, up 108 cases in eight days. We have not seen an increase like this in over a year. Take care when you are out and about. Since the beginning of COVID, there have been 6,649 cases in Sabine with a presumed recovery of 6,455. Total deaths have been 114 and the positivity rate is 18.7%. A total of 10,567 persons have been vaccinated for a vaccination rate of 44%.
In Louisiana there have been 1,318,114 cases and 17,424 deaths. The total number who have been hospitalized is 539 with 23 vented. The positivity rate is 23.7%.
Let’s hope and pray that it will all soon be over.

Best wishes to Gary Elam who retired as Chief Civil Deputy from the Sabine Sheriff’s Office on June 30. He has held that position since 2015. He was responsible for the day-to-day financial operations of the Sheriff’s Office.
The Sheriff’s Office staff held a retirement party for Elam, and Sheriff Aaron Mitchell presented him a plaque of appreciation for his hard work over the last seven years.
Jennifer Jenkins Comeaux assumed the role of Chief Civil Deputy.

Sheriff Aaron Mitchell continues his campaign to keep highways in the parish free of litter. His stats from March until June show that two sheriff’s deputies and seven to 11 inmates spent 404 hours picking up trash. They collected a whopping 6,080 bags of trash along 440 miles of highways in the parish.
In addition, the litter crew responds to report of large amounts of trash dumped in certain areas of the parish. The Sheriff reminds everyone to please secure trash inside vehicles and to not litter. Sheriff’s deputies have been issuing citations for littering.
If anyone observes someone littering, or to report trash dumped on the side of highways, please call (318) 256-9241.

Sales and Use Taxes in Sabine were up by more than one-half million dollars from June 2021 to June 2022, according to a report issued by Administrator Wanda Rivers. Total collected this June was $2,185,224.60. Her report follows:

A nice crowd turned out Saturday night, July 2, for the annual July 4 Patriotic Concert at the Many Community Center. The show featured Willie Stewart Family and Friends.
The group was introduced by Many Alderwoman Mary Beth Brocato who arranged for the performance. She said the group will also perform a Christmas Concert this year.

Sabine Parish native Sara Beth will be performing at the Keeping it Country Live’s Traditional Country Music Festival at the historic Municipal Auditorium in Shreveport Saturday, July 23, which will feature music from 9:30 a.m. until 11 p.m. Sara Beth was graduated from Negreet High School.
She has been known as the “Girl in the Black Cowboy Hat” or “The Country Princess.” Sara Beth spent her summers with the legendary George Jones and his wife, Nancy. She went to many of his shows and sat on the stage with him.
During her time performing, Sara Beth traveled to many states and to Canada. She performed at the Hometown Opry in Gladewater, TX. She has opened shows for Aaron Neville, Michael Twitty, Hunter Hayes and Bryan White. She also toured with Sammy Kershaw when he was running for Lt. Governor.
Sara Beth currently lives in Lafayette. She still performs every once in a while.
This show will be the biggest staged in Shreveport in a long time. Dave Gore is the man in charge.
Now, listen to this line-up: Gene Watson and the Farewell Party Band, Moe Bandy, Joe Stampley, Tony Jackson, Bobby Marquez, Linda Davis, Tony Booth, Penny Gilley and Stephen Price.
Also on the bill are Richard Lynch, Wesley Dennis, Lisa Layne, Dean Holmen, Mike Hughes, Zac Clifton, Missy Dunaway, Tina Patterson-White, Anna Marie, Scott Southworth, Tommy Lee Crosslin, Diane Berry, Diane McCall, Dee Jee Overbey, Brenda Lynn Allen, Leigh Pollari, Rebecca Bagwell, Amber Seay, Mike Siler, Cheridy Adams and the head man himself, Dave Gore.
The word we hear is that tickets are selling fast. So, if you wish to go, the best thing to do is purchase advance tickets now. That will assure you of reserved seats. Tickets are $80 for the upper level, $100 for the lower level and $150 VIP, which includes seating in the first four rows on the floor and access to a special VIP reception area. Ticket prices include all taxes and fees as well as free parking. Doors will open at 8:30 a.m.
Advance tickets may be purchased at:
The Box Office number is (318) 841-4196.
Proceeds from this event go to benefit American Millennium Project (AMP), a non-profit founded in 2000 that helps teach communities about their local history and culture. AMP is partnering with Keeping it Country Live to host future events in a collaborative effort to help offer a platform for up-and-coming independent artists and to preserve the traditional country music sound we all love.
More information about AMP can be found at:

Sabine Sheriff Aaron Mitchell recently announced Felony Narcotic and Firearm Arrests for the month of June 2022.
Suspected methamphetamine, marijuana, synthetic marijuana, various drug paraphernalia, over $2500 in cash, and three firearms were recovered by Sabine Parish Sheriff Deputies last month.
Arrested were:
Malcom Reese Isgitt, age 46, of Many – Possession of schedule II (Meth); Possession of firearm in the presence of CDS; Operating vehicle while license suspended; Switched vehicle license plate and Stop sign violation.
Ollie Vee Davis Jr., age 35, of Many – Possession of schedule I (Marijuana); Possession of schedule II (Meth); Possession of drug paraphernalia; Warrant for nine counts of Distribution of schedule II (Meth) and Second or subsequent offenses; Warrant for Possession with intent to distribute schedule II (Meth) and Possession of drug paraphernalia.
Christopher Delane Malmay, age 28, of Zwolle – Possession of schedule I (Marijuana); Possession with intent to distribute schedule II (Meth); Possession of drug paraphernalia; Possession of firearm while in possession of CDS; Possession of firearm by a convicted felon; Unlawful use of body armor, and Warrant for: Possession Of Schedule I (Marijuana); Aggravated Flight From Officer; Resisting An Officer With Force Or Violence; Aggravated Assault With A Motor Vehicle Upon Peace Officer; Aggravated Criminal Damage To Property; Simple Criminal Damage To Property Over $1000; Aggravated Assault; No License Plate; Reckless Operation Of A Vehicle; No Proof Of Insurance; Intentional Littering and Illegal Window Tint.
John Michael Murphy, age 35, of Many – Warrant for two counts of Distribution of schedule II (Meth) and Federal Indictment for one count of Possession with intent to distribute Methamphetamine.
Hunter Lee Harrell, age 25, of Ville Platte – Possession of schedule I (Synthetic Cannabinoids) and Violation of Protective Order.
(Special thanks to Det. D. W. Seegers who supplied the above information.)

Verity Gentry, candidate for Judge from the 11th District, was a guest on the “Billy West Live” Podcast on Wednesday afternoon, July 6. West is a long-time Natchitoches Attorney. She is shown here, top photo, with Billy West near the studio where his podcast is recorded, and bottom photo, with West and Bill Vance, who operates the Natchitoches Parish Journal and the Sabine Parish Journal in Natchitoches. Persons interested can listen to the podcast at -verity-gentry-candidate-for-judge-sabine-parish-joins-billy-west/

We continue to get reports of innocent persons being taken in by a con artist at convenience stores and gas stations in Many. A fourth victim has been reported to Observations, and how many more incidents are there that are going unreported? The latest victim was a pipeline workman going through the parish who gave a man $400 for what was presented as 18K jewelry. The jewelry was fake and worthless. We have turned this information over to the Sheriff’s Department. If you have any information or see a suspicious person trying to sell jewelry, please call the Many Police at (318) 256-5617 or Sabine Sheriff’s Department at (318) 256-9241.

Congratulations to Miss Ella Claire Freeman, granddaughter of former Many Mayor Ken and Mary Ellen Freeman, and daughter of former Many resident, Peyton Freeman, and wife Teresa.
Ella Claire took First Place in the Women’s 400 L IM Prelims with a swim time of 4:56.28 for the 400 meters. The 2022 Speedo Sectionals were held in Austin on July 7-10 at the Texas Swimming Center at University of Texas.
At age 15, Ella Claire was among the younger participants in the competition, which included women up to age 21.
Her swim background is impressive. In March of last year, Ella placed 2nd, 5th and 5th, respectively, in the 400 Y IM (4:28.60); 1000 Y Free (10:30.05); and 200 Y Fly (2:08.71) at the TAGS Short Course Championships.
March of 2020, she took First at the Texas Age Group Championships with a winning time of 4:24.69 in the 400 Y IM. She also placed 4th and 6th in that competition with times of 10:18.21 (1000 Y Free) and 2:06.53 (200 Y Fly).
Other wins in the last five years include 1st Place Champion in the Southern Zone Age Group Championships, July 30, 2019; 1st Place Champion in the ST TXLA Long Course Tags, July 24, 2019; 4-time Finalist in the Texas Long Course Age Group Championship, July 26, 2017; and 5-time Finalist in the GU TWST TAGS event, March 9, 2017.
Freeman has a Power index rating of 14.86 and ranks 4th in Texas. She is a member of the Rockwall Aquatic Center of Excellence, Rockwall, TX, and the North Texas Zones Team, based in Lewisville, TX.
Ella’s achievements place her in the same time bracket as Women’s 400 IM swimmers in the U.S. Open. In late May, USA Swimming, the national governing body of swimming in the United States, announced the official dates and time standards for the 2024 U.S. Olympic Team Trials, which will take place in mid-June 2024 at Lucas Oil Stadium in Indianapolis. Qualifying is Nov. 30, 2022–May 30, 2024.
U.S. National Team Managing Director Lindsay Mintenko said, “We look forward to seeing our nation’s best swimmers compete in Indianapolis in two years and are excited to name the next U.S. Olympic Team.”
We are pulling for Ella Claire Freeman. We believe she has the determination, discipline, work ethic, skills and upcoming physical development to get the job done if that’s her dream. If anyone can do it, she can.
(Special thanks to for all the swim stats shared above.)

The Town of Many Christmas Festival Committee has announced an artwork contest to select a Christmas theme and image to use at Christmastime. The winning artist will be rewarded a $200 prize in addition to having his or her artwork reproduced as a collectible poster print.
“Christmas Art for Poster” contest forms may be picked up at Many City Hall anytime between 7:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. The deadline for art submission is Friday, July 22.
The contest is open to all artists, one poster per entrant. The person’s name, email and phone number must be included on the back of his or her entry. Artwork must be painted on an 18”x24” canvas, and judging will be based on appeal, content and marketability. The design needs to be easily transferrable to a variety of print mediums.
The winning Christmas artwork will be announced on Friday, July 29.
This will be the 2nd Annual Christmas Poster produced by the Town of Many. The Christmas Festival Committee will sell commemorative prints of the poster artwork as they did last year with the inaugural poster made by artist Shanna Gaspard.
“Our goal is to build collections of the posters for our festival goers, residents and local businesses; many of which will be displayed around Many and Sabine Parish,” a Committee spokesperson announced.

Sheriff Aaron Mitchell reports the Sabine Parish Sheriff Special Operations Group (SOG) arrested Kenneth Dewwayne Evans, age 36, of Zwolle Thursday afternoon, July 7, on Buffalo Drive in Many.
SOG executed a search warrant at Evans’ residence on Plum Street in Zwolle and at his girlfriend’s residence on Buffalo Drive. The purpose of the search warrants was to prove residency of Evans at either location.
Evans is a registered Tier 1 Sex Offender resulting from a 2005 arrest for Carnal Knowledge of a Juvenile.
An investigation by Deputy Robert C. Lang revealed Evans was living at an address he did not register, had a phone number he did not register, and two vehicles he did not register for quite some time.
A registered sex offender has three days to report any address, vehicle, or phone number changes to the Sheriff’s Office.
Evans was booked into the Sabine Parish Detention Center for a warrant for two counts of Failure to register and notify as a sex offender and two counts of Failure to register and notify as a sex offender (four felony charges).
Sex offenders who live in Sabine Parish can be viewed by clicking the Sex Offenders tab on the Sabine Parish Sheriff App, which is a free download.
Sheriff Mitchell assures the public that registered sex offenders residing in Sabine Parish are closely monitored at all times.
(Thanks to Det. D. W. Seegers, who supplied the above information.)