Wednesday, April 27, 2022
Saturday is Election Day in Sabine Parish. Voters are asked to cast their ballots on the renewal of three taxes.
The Sheriff’s Department is asking voters to renew the one-fourth of one percent sales tax with monies going into the general fund but continued needs for the operation of the Detention Center are pointed out. The tax is projected to bring in $1,200,000 per year and will run for 10 years. Sheriff Aaron Mitchell, his Chief Deputy Brad Walker and the staff have done an outstanding job in law enforcement, and we urge you to go to the polls Saturday and vote for the renewal of the tax.

The second proposition is the renewal of a one-fourth of one percent sales tax for the Sabine Council on Aging. It is estimated to bring in $1,332,000 annually and will run for 10 years.
The third proposition is a one per cent sales tax for the operation of the solid waste system by the Sabine Police Jury, with any remaining funds to be used on roads. It is estimated to bring in $5,325,000 per year and will run for 10 years.
Make your voice known. Go out and vote Saturday. Polls are open from 6 a.m. until 8 p.m.

Sabine Sheriff Aaron Mitchell has released the following statement concerning the tax renewal for the Sheriff’s Department:
“To the Citizens of Sabine Parish,
“I want to express my gratitude for the overwhelming support you have shown since electing me as your Sheriff. As you are aware, the field of law enforcement has never been more challenging. There are 696,644 full-time law enforcement officers employed in the United States who are tasked with the duty of policing and protecting 332,278,200 citizens. We are expected to make all the right decisions in seconds, often under extremely stressful situations. I am very proud to call Sabine Parish my home, where law enforcement is appreciated and supported. I take very seriously the job of keeping our home a safe and beautiful place to live and raise our families.
“We have made many improvements to the Sheriff’s Office during the time I have been your Sheriff. We have focused much more on training, which produces more qualified and capable deputies. The best possible equipment has also been provided to deputies, who are working daily to keep Sabine Parish safe. Improvements in technology and the streamlining of many functions of the Sheriff’s Office have been made, including a free Sheriff’s Office app that can be downloaded to your smart device by searching Sabine Sheriff. The app provides up to date news and weather for our area as well as the locations and photographs of registered sex offenders living in Sabine Parish. The Detention Center has been vastly improved with a new camera system, better fencing, and restricted gate access, which has drastically cut down on illegal drugs and other contraband entering the facility. The Sabine Parish Tactical Narcotics Team has been recognized by the F.B.I. and Attorney General Jeff Landry for their efforts in fighting illegal drugs in Sabine Parish. Detectives as well as Patrol Deputies also play a major role in our efforts in keeping Sabine Parish safe.
“The Sheriff’s Office is currently in a stable financial position. Increased revenue collected due to the Haynesville Shale drilling operation in early 2010 allowed the Pattison administration to establish a revenue reserve fund to be used in times of hardship. This was mostly one-time money that provided a safety net for the Sheriff’s Office. As your Sheriff, I feel it is imperative that we maintain monies set aside for the continued operation of the Sheriff’s Office should we be faced with a catastrophic event. Like you and your family, the Sheriff’s Office continues to see increased costs on everything. Automobile insurance rates on our patrol fleet and service vehicles as well as fuel costs and repairs have all continued to increase. The rainy day fund has remained untouched under my administration, mainly due to growth in the parish and state-mandated property reassessments.
“On 4/30/22, a renewal tax for the Sheriff’s Office will be on the ballot in Sabine Parish. This is NOT A NEW TAX but must be voted on by the citizens every ten years. The tax is a 0.25% sales tax and generates a substantial portion of our budget. This tax is vital to continue improvements and services we now provide. The tax was originally passed to fund construction of the Sabine Parish Detention Center and has been continued to supplement operation of the jail as well as other areas of the Sheriff’s Office, including the School Resource Officer Program. I have no plans to ask for a new tax but do ask that you vote yes on this existing tax. I truly feel that we are making a difference in our Parish and ask that you help us continue the fight.
“It is my goal to have the most professional, modern, and well-trained Sheriff’s Office in the state. As I often say, I couldn’t do this job without your unwavering support.
“If you have any questions, my door is always open.
“Thank you,
“Sheriff Aaron Mitchell.

Sheriff Aaron Mitchell reports Tyson Coby Strickland, age 37, of Many was arrested Monday afternoon, April 25.
The Sabine Parish Sheriff’s Tactical Narcotics Team (TNT) had been investigating Strickland’s illegal narcotic activity since October 2021. TNT Agents were able to obtain arrest warrants for Strickland’s illegal narcotic sales.
In March 2022, Sabine Parish Sheriff Detectives were contacted by the Louisiana Department of Justice Cyber Crime Unit of child sexual exploitation material by a possible resident of Sabine Parish. The material was uploaded through a popular messaging application. The tip was submitted through the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC).
Sheriff Detectives, who are also members of the Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) Task Force, further investigated the allegations and determined Strickland was the suspect.
Strickland was booked into the Sabine Parish Detention Center for warrants for three counts of Distribution of schedule II (Meth & Cocaine) and a warrant for 10 counts of Pornography involving juveniles.
Strickland’s digital cellular device was seized during his arrest and the data is currently being extracted and analyzed by the Sabine Parish Sheriff’s Criminal Investigations Digital Forensics Unit.
Additional felony criminal charges are pending.
(A special thank you to Det. D.W. Seegers for the above article.)

The Sabine Animal Shelter has received a state-of-the-art copy machine
which it is now using to make attractive multiple copies for kennel cards and other pictures of the animals, which assist so much in having animals adopted from the shelter.
Many attorney Christopher Sylvia donated the commercial copy machine to the Animal Shelter because he thought it would be beneficial for Lisa Butler, shelter manager and the other employees to use.
Sylvia was pleased that he was able to help the shelter by giving them the copy machine. He said, “I’m a strong believer that dogs adopted from shelters make the greatest pets because they show such gratitude toward being in a home and having a family. I wanted to show my gratitude to the shelter for my adopted dogs, and this was a way that I could do that.”
Sylvia, who has adopted several dogs from the Sabine Animal Shelter, is a strong supporter of the shelter and thought his donation of a heavy duty commercial multi-purpose copy machine would be of great assistance.
Butler has been most pleased with the distinctive kennel cards and other pictures of the animals that she prints exclusively on their new copy machine. She said it uses much less ink that the machine they had previously used and it has saved them lots of money since they no longer have to purchase so much ink to make color copies of dogs and cats that are housed at the shelter.
Butler said she was so pleased for the “pawsome” gift from Attorny Sylvia.
(Special thanks to Mary Brocato for the above article.)

Sheriff Aaron Mitchell reports alleged theft of thousands from Florien, Noble
Anna Marie Ferguson, age 50, of Florien allegedly took approximately $12,285.50 from the Village of Florien during the timeframe between the end of 2020 and March 2022. Florien’s CPA noticed the irregularities and it was reported to the Louisiana Legislative Auditor’s Office. Ferguson was placed on paid leave in March, then she was later fired.
Ferguson was accepting cash payments from traffic citation fines and keeping the money. During the investigation by Sabine Parish Sheriff Detective Don Flores, Ferguson admitted she took the money.
Ferguson was arrested and booked into the Sabine Parish Women’s Jail on Monday, April 25, for Theft $5000-$25,000 and Malfeasance in office.
Brenda Dianne Crocker Frederick, age 53, formerly of Noble allegedly took approximately $7,463 from the Village of Noble between February 2020 and August 2021. Noble Mayor Lynn Montgomery noticed the missing funds and reported it to the Louisiana Legislative Auditor’s Office. Frederick was fired in October 2021.
Frederick issued numerous checks to herself and forged city officials’ signatures. During the investigation by Detective Flores, Frederick admitted she took the funds.
Frederick was arrested and booked into the Sabine Parish Women’s Jail on Thursday, April 21, for Theft $5000-$25,000, Forgery, and Malfeasance in office.
(Thank you to Det. D.W. Seegers for the information provided above.)

WE GET LETTERS. It is always a pleasure to hear from Ronald Byrd of South Boston, VA, who is a faithful friend and reader of Observations. His letter follows.
“Robert, of all your stories last Wednesday, my favorite was the one of your granddaughter, you, and Uncle Tedd. Following closely was the Verity Gentry and Easter Drive-through, and the Edith Palmer Hall of Fame item. These are the kinds of things that make Many and Sabine special in this insane world. I am so happy that you were fortunate enough to find such a place to spend your life. You’re a lucky fellow! Ronny”

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