Wednesday, April 20, 2022
It’s a wonderful thing to have a five-year-old granddaughter. Mine is Bree Lynn Martinez. The other day I picked her up and she went home with me during the lunch hour.
On the way back to her house, she told me she wanted “to go visit Uncle Tedd.” Now that is Tedd Dumas whom she loves very much because he gives her toys, books and candy. She wanted to stop by her house and get some flowers to take to him. I drove into the driveway where some gorgeous, white irises were in full bloom.
“That is not the flower I want,” she told me. “You don’t have any other flowers in your yard,” I replied, and she responded if I would drive the way she was pointing, she would show me where the flowers were. “I want something colorful!” she said.
So, off I went headed toward where she was pointing. It was Many Cemetery across the street from where she lives.

Did you see a copy of the recently released AT&T Phone Book with “The Real Yellow Pages” for Many, Florien and Zwolle? What used to be a nice, thick book is now down to 56 pages, including 12 pages of filler items. Most of the display ads are now national companies, not local. Seems phone books are going the way of newspapers.

Right around the corner: The annual Spring Peason Ridge Heritage Tour, led by local Sabine Parish historian Rickey Robertson, will be held Saturday, April 30, starting at 8:30 a.m. from the Pine Grove Baptist Church parking area, located on Hwy. 118 in the Peason community. Attendees may ride a tour bus with others for the trip or may follow the bus in their private vehicles.
This free tour is offered each spring by the U.S. Army and Fort Polk. Rickey Robertson is the tour narrator for this event as the group visits old homesites, cemeteries, military training areas and historical locations.
The tour will begin at Pine Grove Baptist Church located on Hwy 118 in the Peason Community. The parking area at the church will be used by those attending. The Army will furnish a tour bus for attendees to ride or persons may follow the bus in a personal vehicle if they wish.
“Be sure and bring your camera as you can take pictures during this tour and bring some water and snacks,” Robertson advised. “The bus will be at Pine Grove Church at 8 a.m., and we will leave from the parking lot at 8:30 for the tour. Hope to see you on April 30! You will have a great time,” he said.

Sabine Parish Sheriff Aaron Mitchell, his Tactical Narcotics Team (TNT), and Patrol Deputies arrested several subjects in Pleasant Hill in the early morning hours of Wednesday, April 13. An additional suspect, who was initially listed as “wanted” was arrested Wednesday afternoon on his charges.
TNT Agents have been investigating six subjects since late last year who were allegedly selling illegal narcotics inside the City of Pleasant Hill. Agents were able to obtain arrest warrants for these subjects from the 11th Judicial District Court. TNT Agents located and arrested five of six suspects the morning of April 13.
Sheriff Mitchell pointed out that word of mouth and tips of drug sales in the City of Pleasant Hill had been rumored for years. Sheriff Mitchell said his TNT Agents were determined and spent countless hours building well-founded cases against these illegal drug dealers.
The following subjects were booked into the Sabine Parish Detention Center:

Jackie Dykes, age 59, of Pleasant Hill – Warrant for Distribution of schedule II (Oxycodone), Second or subsequent offenses.

Johnny Eugene Turner, age 34, of Pleasant Hill – Warrant for two counts of Distribution of schedule II (Meth).
Kevin L Youngblood, age 34, of Pleasant Hill – Warrants for four counts of Distribution of schedule II (Meth).
Forrest Bradford Veuleman, age 26, of Pleasant Hill – Warrant for Distribution of schedule II (Meth).
James Fuss, age 64, of Pleasant Hill – Warrant for five counts of Distribution of schedule II (Meth).
Possession of schedule I (Marijuana), Possession with intent to distribute schedule II (Meth), Possession of firearm while in possession of CDS, Possession of firearm by convicted felon, Possession of drug paraphernalia.
TNT Agents located suspected marijuana, methamphetamine, pills, a measuring scale, glass smoking devices and a shotgun inside Fuss’s residence when he was arrested.
Savannah Lynn Anderson, age 38, of Marthaville – Warrant for FTA for Disturbing the peace.
(Anderson was inside the residence with Fuss.)
Tajarez Jushun White, age 29, of Florien – Warrant for two counts of Distribution of schedule II (Meth).
(Thanks to Det. D.W. Seegers for the above information.)

The 28th Annual Loggers & Forestry Festival in Zwolle is set for this Saturday, April 23. The event will feature live music all festival long, lots of great vendors with which to shop, drink and eat, a carnival with rides, games and more, Bingo, a 5K, Logging and Forestry Contests and more!
The 10 a.m. parade on Saturday is an experience second to none. See floats, 18-wheelers, trucks and more. As always, there will be candy and throws galore.
For a muddy good time, folks are invited to the mud bog pit to get good and dirty, and to watch the mud fly. The winner will receive a prize. Coolers are allowed for a fee and tents spaces are available for rent.
For more information or to take part in the parade or other events, call (318) 471-2354.

The Sabine Hall of Fame Induction Banquet will be held Tuesday, April 26, at St. Joseph’s Hall in Zwolle. Doors will open at 6 p.m. and dinner will be served at 6:30. The banquet program will start at 7 p.m.
Tickets are currently on sale at Pete Abington’s Office in Many, Nichols in Many and Robert Gentry’s Office in the headquarters of BDC Radio. They are $50 each. Profits will go to the Pink Sisters of Sabine breast cancer support group.
Edith Palmer is the inductee. She has been very active in community affairs for many years, including with the Sabine Parish Chamber of Commerce, as a board member of the Sabine Parish Tourist Commission, Sabine State Bank, Zwolle Tamale Fiesta Board, Hwy. 171 Commission and numerous other groups.
Otto O. Meyers III, a native of Zwolle who had a career with Shell Oil Co. in Houston will receive the Achievement Award. The Posthumous Award will be given in memory of Dr. Warren L. Founds and Coach Malvin Ogden. The Achievement Award will go to sisters Savanah Hall and Siarah Hall. Dale Skinner and Mary Bozeman will receive Special Recognition Awards for their service to humanity.
Sponsors of this year’s banquet are Curtis Family Pharmacy, Interstate Building Materials, Nichols, Walsh Timber Co. and Sabine Retirement and Rehabilitation. Sen. Louie Bernard of Natchitoches made a special donation for the purchase of a Sabine Hall of Fame step and repeat photo banner. Underwriting the events’ print needs, including tickets, programs and event signage is the Campaign to Elect Verity Gentry District Judge.

Former Village of Noble Clerk Brenda Crocker Frederick converted $7,463 of Village funds to her personal use from Feb. 12, 2020 to Aug. 10, 2021, according to an Executive Summary issued April 13 by the Louisiana Legislative Auditor.
According to the report, Ms. Frederick issued 18 unauthorized checks to herself, including duplicate payroll checks and reimbursement checks for which there was no supporting documentation.
The report continued, “In addition, it appears Ms. Frederick forged signatures on these checks and altered the Village’s electronic accounting records to conceal her actions. By issuing unauthorized checks to herself, forging signatures on the checks and altering accounting records, Ms. Frederick may have violated state laws.”
According to the report, Mayor Lynn Montgomery informed the Legislative Auditor on Nov. 2, 2021 of a possible misappropriation of Village Funds. According to the Mayor, Ms. Frederick signed the Mayor’s name on several unauthorized Village checks.
During the period covered by the audit, Ms. Frederick was responsible for billing water customers, receiving and recording water payments, processing payroll, paying vendors and recording transactions in the accounting system. The report stated, “According to Mayor Montgomery, two signatures are required on all checks, checks may be signed by the Mayor, Aldermen and Clerk.”
The report said auditors met with Ms. Frederick on Jan. 20, 2022 and she acknowledged issuing the unauthorized checks to herself by forging the signatures of Mayor Montgomery or Mr. Rike.
A copy of the report has been sent to District Attorney Don Burkett and he and Mayor Montgomery will meet on the matter.
Ms. Frederick is a native of Zwolle and now lives in Shreveport.

Attorney Verity Gentry reports it was a great Easter Drive-Thru that was held on Saturday, April 16, at the old Many Junior High School. We understand the second annual event was organized by TK Shannel, and lots of folks participated in the fun affair.
About 30 individuals and businesses sponsored Easter prizes for all the children whose families drove through to pick up treats and receive tickets to be placed in a drawing to win super-special Easter baskets. Among the event’s numerous sponsors was Gentry, who is running for District Judge.
“Last weekend’s Easter Drive-Thru was amazing!” she said. “It was great to see so many Sabine Parish kids and their families, and to experience the special bonds of friendship our community is known for.”
One Shot At A Time Photography made lots of photos at the event, some of which were shared on TK Shannel’s Facebook page. Shannel invites all interested persons to message her on Facebook regarding sponsorships for next year’s Easter Drive-Thru, which promises to be even bigger and better.
“TK and Dominique Green came up with a great idea and organized a fantastic event,” Gentry shared. “Over 25 booths were manned by smiling faces of local business owners, community leaders and generous community members. A local DJ and a talented photographer also shared their talents with the group. Over the two-hour event, we got to treat around 100 children,” she said.
Hats doffed to these hardworking folks who helped make the Easter weekend extra special for our Sabine Parish youngsters.

Sheriff Aaron Mitchell reports George Reginald Gosey Jr., age 39, of Zwolle was arrested Friday, April 8, by the Zwolle Police Department.
Zwolle PD had arrest warrants for Gosey and located him at a local business on Friday.
Zwolle Police Officers found several baggies of suspected methamphetamine and marijuana on Gosey’s person when he was arrested.
Gosey was arrested and booked into the Sabine Parish Detention Center for Possession with intent to distribute schedule I (Marijuana), Possession with intent to distribute schedule II (Meth), Possession of drug paraphernalia, a warrant for Second degree battery, Enter after being forbidden, and a warrant for Resisting an officer.
Gosey was booked on Monday, April 11, by the Sabine Parish Sheriff’s Tactical Narcotics Team (TNT) for a warrant for two counts of Distribution of schedule II (Meth), Second and subsequent offenses. TNT Agents had been investigating Gosey’s illegal narcotic sales activity.
Sheriff Mitchell commends Zwolle Chief Daniel Thomas and his Officers for helping in the fight of illegal narcotic sales in Sabine Parish.
(Special thanks to Det. D.W. Seegers for the above article.)

Don’t forget: This Saturday morning, April 23, is the Town of Many’s “Trash Bash.” Those who want to help clean up and beautify our community will meet at City Hall, 965 San Antonio Ave. at 8 a.m. Attendees should wear gloves and bright clothing. Garbage bags and a safety vest will be provided to all who help pick up trash.

A pregnant man? Not hardly. Proof the iphone emoji folks are starting to understand our way of life. They have finally recognized us Methodists, Baptists and other assorted Bible belters with our own post-potluck emoji. It is shared in full context below.
And that brings to mind an old song we used to enjoy hearing Jimmy Driftwood sing. Our friend Steve Birdwell reminded us of some of its lyrics recently.
Jimmy wrote “The Tennessee Stud,” “The Battle of New Orleans” and another 6,000 or so Folk songs. Anyway, the old song he used to sing that this new emoji brings to mind is called “Butterbeans” and it is sung to the tune of the Gospel classic “Just a Closer Walk with Thee.” The song’s chorus and last verse follow:
Chorus: Just a bowl of butterbeans,
Pass the cornbread, if you please,
I don’t want no turnip greens,
Just a bowl of them good ol’ butterbeans.
Verse 3: See that girl standing there,
The one with long and curly hair.
She’s not pregnant as it seems,
She just ate a big ol’ bowl of butterbeans!

Attorney Chris Sylvia recently announced the inaugural Sylvia Family Scholarship to be awarded annually to a Sabine Parish student to assist him or her with first semester college expenses.
An initial scholarship of $1,000 was awarded to Morgan Green on Thursday morning at the Sabine Parish Schools Technology Center. Miss Green is a graduating senior who was named Sabine Parish 12th Grade Student of the Year.
Sylvia cited his wife Frances’ teaching career and his children’s education in Sabine Parish public schools and continuing education in college as the family’s motivation to create the award.
“My family has always placed a high value on education,” Sylvia said. “Two of my children were fortunate to benefit from a Sabine Parish public education and are succeeding in college. My other two children won’t be far behind them. This year Frances and I decided to further assist students in Sabine Parish by establishing the Sylvia Family Scholarship for Sabine Parish.”
At the conclusion, the Sylvias wished Miss Green well on her future endeavors.

Come here, you big, beautiful cup of coffee, and lie to me about how much we’re going to get done today.