Wednesday, April 6, 2022

The spring flowers have been absolutely beautiful this year, including redbud, dogwood and especially the flowering pear trees. This photo was taken at the home of Becky and Oscar Ensinger in the Bethany Community near Marthaville.

With the shutdown of a lot of things over the last couple of years, many folks became fans of the old “Gunsmoke” TV show again, including yours truly and his wife. There are those who say that Sabine Sheriff Aaron Mitchell is our very own Matt Dillion. And we agree. So, the question begs: If Sheriff Mitchell is Matt Dillion, then Chief Deputy Brad Walker must either be Festus or Chester. You take your pick.

It was a wonderful Bloom on Main event held by the Town of Many last Saturday downtown, and we send big kudos to First Lady of Many Crystal Hable and whoever else helped with the great springtime street celebration. It ran from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., and we were gratified to see lots of folks out shopping and fellowshipping along Main Street.
Several people expressed high hopes there will be a similar event held in the fall. We hope so, too.
We guesstimate a minimum of 350 persons attended the fest, which featured the Easter Bunny, 35 vendors – all of high quality, food trucks, live music and enjoyable activities, such as an outdoor painting class led by local artist Shanna Gaspard and a fun bounce house.
Town of Many Councilwoman Anita Darwin organized a huge Autism Awareness Walk to coincide with the event. The walk started at 11 a.m. at City Hall and some 175-200 persons walked to the Many Junior High School, where kids received a free snow cone, enjoyed a bounce house there, and adults were treated to free water, soft drinks and snacks in the cafeteria. We can tell you it sure was nice to cool off with a big snow cone on the walk back from the old Junior High to downtown!
Mayor Robert Hable, his wife Crystal and others are working diligently to make Many a special place for locals and visitors alike. We are very happy to see another successful street festival under their belts.

It was strange seeing this float plane parked at Hart Airport in Many on Wednesday morning of last week. It can land and take off on water or land. No other details were available to us about it.

Rep. Alan Seabaugh, Republican who represents District 5, was a visitor in Sabine Parish on Friday, March 25. He is a practicing attorney in Shreveport with the firm Seabaugh and Sepulvado with Chad Sepulvado. He assumed office as a member of the House in 2010 and his current term ends Jan. 8, 2024.
Seabaugh told Observations he is very familiar with Sabine Parish as his father Tommy grew up in Zwolle and operated a sawmill there. Another tie-in is Buddy Wood, operator of State Farm Insurance in Many.
On his trip to Sabine last week, he visited with Sheriff Aaron Mitchell and Chief Deputy Brad Walker, Mayor Robert Hable and others. Previously he visited with Converse Mayor Troy Terrell and Zwolle Mayor Pie Martinez.
Seabaugh said the new Senatorial District will cover 10 parishes, including all of Sabine, Red River Parish and a part of Natchitoches Parish, but will not include the City of Natchitoches. He said parts of Caddo and Bossier Parishes are in the district and he said he has been planning to run for the Senate for 10 years.
“This part of the state needs a lot,” he commented. “You have to know how to work the system and build relationships in order to be successful.” He said that his reception as a candidate has been “phenomenal,” adding, “I have been very encouraged. I have been campaigning for four weeks now, and I am out every Friday.”
The candidate said he likes the new District, especially the fact that Sabine and Winn Parishes are in it. Seabaugh noted he will need to win Sabine Parish in order to be elected.

Registrar of Voters Zach Faircloth said early voting for the April 30 election will be held April 16-23 at his office in the Courthouse.
There will be three tax renewals on the ballot.
The Sheriff’s Department is asking voters to renew the one-fourth of one percent sales tax with funds going into the general fund, but continued needs for the operation of the Detention center is pointed out. The tax is projected to bring in $1,200,000 per year and will run for 10 years.
The second proposition is the renewal of a one-fourth of one percent sales tax for the Sabine Council on Aging. It is estimated to bring in $1,332,000 annually and will run for 10 years.
The third proposition is 1 per cent sales tax for operating of the solid waste system by the Police Jury and any remaining funds to be used on roads. It is estimated to bring in $5,325,000 per year and will run for 10 years.

The Sabine Hall of Fame induction banquet will be held Tuesday, April 26, at St. Joseph’s Hall, located at 307 Hammond St. in Zwolle. The event will start at 7 p.m. Tickets are $50 each and may be purchased at Pete Abington’s office at 1030 San Antonio Ave. in Many, Nichols at 252 Elizabeth St. and at my office in the Radio Station Building at 605 San Antonio Ave.
As the 2020 slate of honorees had yet to be honored due to the pandemic, the event will continue with the same individuals selected in 2020 to be awarded as follows:
EDITH J. PALMER – Sabine Hall of Fame Inductee;
OTTO O’NEIL MEYERS III – Achievement Award;
SAVANAH and SIARAH HALL – Accomplishment Award;
MARY BOZEMAN and DALE SKINNER – Special Recognition Awards;
FRANCES HOPKINS – Good Citizen Award; and
Except for during the pandemic of 2020 and 2021, the Hall of Fame inductee award has been presented annually since 1998 to a Sabine Parish resident who has amassed a lifetime of achievement and is age 70 or older. It is this parish’s most prestigious honor.
The Achievement Award is presented to a Sabine Parish native now located elsewhere who became very successful in his or her field of endeavor.
The Accomplishment Award goes to a Sabine Parish citizen, age 25 or below, who have performed deeds deserving recognition.
The Special Recognition Award honors a person whose community involvement has bettered parish communities, its organizations, and endeavors.
The Good Citizen Award pays tribute to a parish resident whose community involvement and civic mindedness has benefitted citizens throughout the parish.
Posthumous Awards are given each year to pay tribute to those whose legacy meet one or more of the above criteria.
Tickets already issued and paid for that are imprinted with the 2020 event information will be honored, but those holding old tickets must call Nell Britner at (318) 256-4344 to confirm payment and reserved seats. She may also be contacted regarding table purchases. Tables seat eight persons.
This year’s event profits will benefit Pink Sisters of Sabine, a Sabine Parish non-profit that serves breast cancer patients by providing supplies, encouragement, mentoring and more.
As always, the banquet promises to be memorable with interesting stories and video productions of the honorees, fine musical entertainment and a delicious dinner.
Major event sponsors who are graciously helping bear the cost of this awards evening are Curtis Family Pharmacy, Interstate Building Materials, Nichols, Sabine Retirement & Rehabilitation/TrustCare, and Walsh Timber Co.
A special thank you to Sen. Louie Bernard, who represents Sabine, for his generous donation to purchase a Sabine Hall of Fame logo step and repeat photography background banner.
Everyone is asked to watch their mail as updated information is going out now with all of the related details for this year’s Sabine Hall of Fame event.

Sales tax collections in Sabine Parish for March were up by $903,129.72 over the same month last year, according to a report issued by Sales Tax Collector Wanda Rivers. Total taxes collected for the month was $1,630,586.89. Her report follows:

Junebug Anderson is a man who knows how to throw a party for the one he loves. Saturday evening, he invited family and friends to his farm at the end of King Hill Rd. near Ajax to celebrate the birthday of his wife, Kathy. Willie Stewart Family & Friends performed classic Country and Gospel. A great catfish meal with all the trimmings was served. And a good time was had by all.

WE GET LETTERS. It’s always a treat to hear from our friend Ronald Byrd of South Boston, VA. His note follows:
“Robert, it seems like just yesterday when Coach McConathy was hired at NSU and now I hear he’s the winningest ever! He did far more than just coach successfully; he upheld the standards set by earlier McConathys at NSU. Without exception, members of that family have constituted class acts as players, coaches, and fine human beings. His won’t be an easy act to follow. I wouldn’t want to be his successor! Another point worth mentioning is related to that MHS powerlifting success. Sometimes we might criticize the work ethic of youngsters today, comparing their relatively easy lives to what we experienced growing up. Let me tell you, kids who trained to the extent that they won a state championship in powerlifting had to have done more than their fair share of hard work. Most folks would not believe the amount of effort in lifting weights that led to earning that award. The work the girls had to put in was something most girls, and boys, wouldn’t even attempt. They earned that recognition. That level of success in that sport is truly indicative of a real work ethic as well as good coaching and leadership. From top to bottom, that’s a very special group of kids and men who brought some really positive attention to Many. Ronny”

Sheriff Aaron Mitchell announces the felony drug and firearm arrests for the month of March 2022.
In addition, Sheriff Mitchell noted that many other undercover operations were conducted of illegal drug dealers in Sabine Parish last month also.
David Dawson Grimes, age 36, of Many – Possession of schedule II (Meth), Possession of drug paraphernalia.
Alford Marcellus Dye, age 34, of Zwolle – Felon in possession of a firearm, Simple escape, Flight from an officer, Battery of dating partner (Strangulation), Unauthorized entry of inhabited dwelling.
Richard Corneilus Johnson, age 31, of Many – Contraband into penal institution prohibited, 2-counts of Entry after being forbidden.
Dianna Lynn Bell, age 58, of Many – Possession of schedule IV (Alprazolam), Possession of schedule II (Oxycodone), Hit and run, Driver must be licensed.
(Special thanks to Det. D.W. Seegers for the above information.)

Our longtime friend and First United Methodist Church member Kenneth Ammons of Many just returned from a weeklong medical mission trip to Honduras. He enjoyed serving and was very glad to see little Andreli Yosmeli and her family, with whom he and wife Donna have become acquainted. Here are a few photos of his time there. Hats doffed to Kenneth and all who serve others in need.

Speaking of service, First United Methodist Church of Many has lots planned this Easter to make the holiday extra special for local and visiting families as we remember the crucifixion on Good Friday and celebrate the resurrection of Christ on Sunday, April 17.
All are invited to a Good Friday service starting at 6 p.m. on Friday, April 15, which will include the story of Easter in meaningful scripture readings and images plus beautiful music recalling God’s sacrifice of Jesus on the cross. Several FUMC members will participate in presenting this special time of worship.
The annual FUMC Easter Egg Hunt happens on Saturday, April 16 from 10 a.m. until noon, and all are invited. In addition to hunting easter eggs, lots of fun and games are planned, so it is sure to be a great time for families.
Easter Sunday service will be April 17 at 10 a.m. As usual, the church will have their lovely living flower cross in the sanctuary, and everyone is invited to bring a yard flower to place on the cross, and to make photos in front of the cross after the service. The worship will include special Easter music and a spirit-filled sermon by the Rev. Brian Coplin, who has served at the church since last summer.
First United Methodist Church of Many is located at 1000 Main St. in Many. Regular Sunday worship starts at 10 a.m. Anyone who needs a ride to worship may call the church at (318) 256-3632 from 9 a.m. to noon or 1 to 4 p.m. Monday – Thursday to schedule a Sunday pickup.

Many Town Council Member Mary Beth Brocato said she will offer an ordinance concerning public gatherings at the next meeting of the Council. She said the ordinance will specify that a permit be obtained from the Town prior to holding events, that security detail be provided at events, and that the security must include trained law enforcement, that the number of people attending the event may not exceed the limit set by the State Fire Marshal’s Office, and that the event end no later than midnight.

With the retirement of 11th Judicial District Judge Stephen B. Beasley on April 1, two interim judges are coming to Sabine Parish to handle the court’s business until a new judge can be elected.
Judge Eric R. “Rick” Harrington of Natchitoches served the 10th Judicial District from 1999 until he retired Dec. 31, 2014. He received his B.S. degree from Northwestern in 1967 and after teaching six years, received his Juris Doctorate from Tulane in 1978. He opened his own law practice and operated it for 23 years. He was an Assistant District Attorney from 1976-84 and also taught as adjunct faculty for Northwestern.
Judge Bruce M. Bolin served the 26th Judicial District from Jan. 1, 1991 until he retired Jan. 31, 2012. In addition, he served in the State House of Representatives representing Webster Parish from 1979-90. He was graduated from Minden High School and his legal credentials are from Louisiana State University Law Center in Baton Rouge. His father, the late Judge James E. Bolin Sr. also served as State Representative and District Judge.