Wednesday, February 9, 2022
Because of an over-abundance of news, we will have a lagnappe column posted on Friday. Be on the lookout for it. Thanks for reading.

It is so sad to see the lawlessness that is now going on in our country. It started in the large cities and has now come to Sabine Parish. We see daily on national television people who go into stores, smashing doors and display cases if necessary, and simply walk out or run away with merchandise. And they are not arrested. In one instance, we saw one of these outlaws walk right out by a security guard who did nothing. We now have this epidemic across the nation because in so many instances no one has been arrested, and there are no consequences for breaking the law. If there is an arrest, they are often back out on the streets in mere hours. And the more criminals get away with theft without suffering any consequences, the more they are going to do it.
Take what happened in Many recently. Someone went into the Napa Auto Parts store and took two items valued at about $625. And it may be that this person is suspected in another theft as well. Time will tell. We know our law enforcement is working hard to get arrests made in these thefts, but the fact that someone is brazen enough to even try it says a lot about how much bolder criminals are becoming.
A store in Florien was hit by attempted theft, and law enforcement is now seeking a warrant in that case.
On Sunday morning, Jan. 16, someone took several fishing baits from Toledo Town & Tackle without paying. The value of the various merchandise was over $70.
Thankfully, that business has security video cameras which produce great images, and a suspect, Timothy Wayne Seward, age 40, was identified. From the footage, it was determined the suspect was driving a maroon 2019 Kia Sportage with a Louisiana license plate. After the security camera images were released to the public, Seward was arrested on Tuesday, Feb. 1 by the Sabine Parish Sheriff’s Office (SPSO.)
In this case, several people called the Sabine Criminal Investigations Division with information identifying Seward and tips were also submitted through the Sheriff’s Dept. app. SPSO Detectives and Deputies located Seward at a residence on South Byles St. in Many.

When Seward was arrested, a small amount of suspected methamphetamine and syringes were also located inside his pants pockets. Further investigation revealed Seward was a Tier 1 sex offender who had not updated his address in over a year. When Detectives interviewed Seward, he admitted he took the fishing baits without paying.
Seward was booked into the Sabine Parish Detention Center for Misdemeanor theft, Failure to register and notify as a sex offender, Possession of schedule II (Meth), and Possession of drug paraphernalia.
Sheriff Aaron Mitchell said this investigation and arrest was a combined effort between the public, Detectives, Patrol officers and the Sex Offender Division. Sheriff Mitchell also praised Toledo Town & Tackle owner Curt Carver for having a superior video surveillance system.
It’s been told, “If you steal from Toledo Town, you will be caught.”
Observations has heard various reports about when and how shoplifters can be apprehended, and at first appearances, policies and procedures among larger chains sure seem to favor the criminal element.
If those who attempt theft find there are little to no consequences for shoplifting, and if the large chain businesses continue to turn a blind eye to looting and such, our local society and feeling of general safety is in for a rude awakening.
Locally with smaller businesses, a private business owner may contact law enforcement when they discover a theft, either at the time of the theft, or after checking video security or product inventory. We have been told it is the policy of some larger, nationally owned chains to not apprehend shoplifters. These businesses may or may not be successful if they wait until after the shoplifter is gone to call law enforcement. Certainly, for those who are stealing, if they can avoid camera detection and make a quick getaway, they become emboldened.
When my wife and I were in Seattle during the summer of 2019, we saw rampant shoplifting in a large drugstore chain near our hotel in a very “safe,” upscale downtown area. The lawlessness was simply tolerated. In fact, one shoplifter returned to the store moments after leaving to curse out a clerk standing by the door. Several months later, the entire nation saw that type of culture and climate devolve into what eventually became an unpatrolled section of Seattle that had no law enforcement at all for a time.
Sabine Parish Sheriff Aaron Mitchell said the kind of looting we are seeing across the nation will not be tolerated on his watch. And the majority of the residents in this parish support him 100 per cent.
(A special thank you to Det. D.W. Seegers, who provided some of the information used above.)

Many Mayor Robert Hable today launched a program to welcome tourists to the Town of Many. Several months ago, he started a series of ads on the Baldridge-Dumas Communications radio stations welcoming visitors to Toledo Bend Lake and urging them to come to Many when in the area. Then today, the mayor unveiled a new poster that will be placed in all Many businesses.
The promotion is the brainchild of Tedd Dumas, who runs BDC. He has always been an “idea man,” has been my friend for many years and has always come up with a lot of good promotions.
I am proud to report the beautiful 16”x20” welcome sign was designed by my wife, Laurie, who has had Laurie Gentry Designs since 2014.

Folks in Many got a surprise Friday morning when unexpectedly snow started to fall. It was very pretty, but it didn’t snow very long. The scene on the left is in front of the law office of Dan Dyess on San Antonio Ave. and the magnolia tree, shown at right, is at the home of Dr. and Mrs. David Horner.

My, How Things Change So Quickly – Thanks, Uncle Joe
The picture in the center was taken Wednesday of last week when regular unleaded gas in Many was $3.19. By Saturday, the price of 87-octane gas had gone up by 10¢ per gallon to $3.29. The average price of regular in Louisiana was $3.17 on Saturday. On Jan. 19, 2021, the average price of regular conventional gas nationwide was $2.25 per gallon. That’s up over $1 per gallon in a year’s time.
We keep seeing “I did that” stickers of Pres. Biden, shown at left, turning up on gas station pumps all over the place.

You’ve probably noticed these strange frames being constructed on the four main highways leading into Many and like us, wondered what was going on. According to reports, Sabine Medical Center hired an outfit out of Arkansas to put up some billboards for them. Mary Beth Brocato noticed that the one pictured above was on her property, without her permission. Serving on the Many Council, she immediately called Mayor Robert Hable about the matter. He looked into it, found out, and told her it was being done by the Medical Center. She said they did not have permission to put the billboard on her property, that she liked the view of her pasture unobstructed and that the sign would have to be taken down completely. Seems some others might also be on private property. We’ll let you know when we hear.

Lewis Sentenced to Nine Years
Zachary Micah Lewis, age 33, of Zwolle was sentenced to 108 months in federal prison for Possession of Firearm by a Convicted Felon on Dec. 29, 2021.
Lewis was originally arrested on June 2, 2020, for several drug, firearm and resisting charges by the Sabine Parish Sheriff’s Office.
Lewis was indicted in April 2021 by the United States District Court, Western District of Louisiana in Shreveport for Possession of Firearm by a Convicted Felon.
Upon release from federal prison, Lewis will be on supervised release for three years, as well as other conditions.
Sheriff Aaron Mitchell and his staff have worked closely with local, state, and federal resources to see that repeat and violent drug and firearm offenders receive time in federal prison.
(Special thanks to Det. D.W. Seegers for the above article.)

Radio personality Tedd Dumas is nice enough to let me guest on “Open Line” with him on occasion. And this coming Monday, Feb. 14, at 7:30 a.m. will be the day. We have a very special program lined up. Legendary Bluegrass musician James Monroe will join us for an interview. He has had a 33-year career in Bluegrass music and retired 10 years ago. James is the son of Bill Monroe, who is credited with originating Bluegrass music and is known as “The Father of Bluegrass Music.” Mr. Monroe is the only American who gets credit for creating a specific genre of music.
I have had the pleasure of knowing James since 1968 and have kept up with his career through the years. He has always been a first-class gentleman, and it is my privilege to call him friend.
Be sure and listen to KWLA 103.1 and enjoy the show Monday morning. You can either listen on the radio or go to and click on the “Listen Live” link. Select KWLA from the BDC radio stations list, and you’ll be set. From there you can listen over the Internet, or download the KWLA app and listen from the app.

Thomas Dewayne Dew, age 43, of Many was indicted in the United States District Court Western District of Louisiana in Shreveport on January 26, 2022.
The indictments are for three counts of Distribution of five grams or more of Methamphetamine and one count of Distribution of 50 grams or more of Methamphetamine.
Dew was arrested in September 2021 for several felony narcotic, firearm and criminal conspiracy charges after a 10-month investigation by the Sabine Parish Sheriff’s Tactical Narcotics Team.
Dew is currently incarcerated at the Sabine Parish Detention Center with no bond.
(Special thanks to Det. D.W. Seegers for the above information.)

It will probably be one of the biggest games ever played in John W. Curtis Stadium when the Many Tigers meet the Newman High School Greenies next season. Many Head Coach Jess Curtis announced that the game will be played Sept. 23, being Game 4 of the season. And he thanked Newman High Coach Nelson Stewart for his help in making it happen. Newman is a private school in New Orleans.
Fans will see Newman’s Arch Manning, one of the nation’s top quarterbacks. He is the grandson of Ole Miss legend Archie Manning and nephew of Super Bowl Champion Quarterbacks Eli and Peyton Manning.
But the player folks around here will be coming to see is Tackett Curtis, son of Mr. and Mrs. Moses Curtis and grandson of Mr. and Mrs. John Curtis. He is regarded as one of the best defensive players in the country. And already dozens of top football program colleges and universities have been recruiting him.
Coach Jess Curtis runs one of the best football programs in the country. Not only does he strive for a good football team, but he requires that his players make good grades, and he teaches them responsibility and what it takes to be a worthwhile man. And that is worth a lot.

Glenwood Bullard, a former Sabine Parish resident, is a regular reader of Observations and we appreciate this. He is the son of the late Clarence G. Bullard, who was a Zwolle businessman and also served on the Sabine Parish School Board.
Glenwood now lives in Bossier City and serves on the Bossier Parish School Board, a post he has held since 2010. While living in Zwolle, he served on the Sabine School Board from 1992-2002. He is a retired stockbroker and a certified tree farmer.
Here is a recent correspondence that we received from him:
“Noticed you frequently publish your ‘observations’ about various matters related to the Sabine Parish School Board and wanted to share with you an item I suspect most people are unaware of.
“The board member who, I think, replaced Imon Jones is Daron Chandler. I would see Daron at our annual school board conventions, as well as various training seminars, and found him to be very personable, as well as a very dedicated school board representative.
“Last year there was a vacant seat on the Louisiana School Boards Association (LSBA) Board of Directors, representing District 5, which includes Sabine Parish. Daron stepped up and ‘threw his hat into the ring’ for election to the open seat and was elected.
“I’ve had the honor of serving on the LSBA Board since 2015 and was thrilled to have another ‘Sabine Parish rep’ at the table. (Officially I represent Bossier Parish and District 5, but Sabine Parish ‘green gold’ still flows through my veins!)
“Daron has quickly proven himself a valuable addition to the Board of Directors, as well as a dedicated supporter of public education in our state. Sabine Parish can be proud of this young man’s representation and performance. I know there’s always plenty of criticism floating around about various public officials. Thought you might appreciate learning about the positive efforts of one of your own local elected representatives.”

Valentine’s Day reminds us of all the people who have a special place in our heart. We wish our readers lots of love this February 14, and we thank you for your faithful support. May God’s love touch everyone on this special day, and may He shower all with His blessings. Wishing you and yours a lovely Valentine’s Day on Monday.
Last Sunday we learned the First United Methodist Church of Many youth still have a few tickets remaining for their upcoming Valentine’s Banquet this Saturday night, Feb. 12. This youth group fundraising event is for couples and singles and is only $15 per person. It will be from 6 until 8 p.m.
There will be dinner, dancing and games, and childcare is available for those who wish to bring their little ones along.
Reserve your tickets now by messaging the First United Methodist Church of Many Facebook page or by calling (318) 508-3281.
We are happy to report some 56 young people participated in the Youth Group activities last Wednesday night, and the program continues to grow. Once only for “Tweens & Teens,” now younger participants, age Kindergarten through 4th Grade, have their own group and activities. It starts at 5:30 p.m. and ends at 7 p.m. each Wednesday at the FUMC Family Life Center at 1000 Main St. in Many.
The groups meet for age-appropriate devotionals, small group discussions and recreation. Those who wish to come but would like a ride, can reserve a spot on “Beulah,” the new FUMC-Many 26-passenger bus. Call (318) 508-3281 or (318) 256-3632 before Wednesday to reserve a seat on the bus.

On the night of Jan. 23, Florien teenager Aiden Wilczewski was a passenger in a horrific car accident. He sustained many injuries to his face and head. He was airlifted to LSU, where he stayed until recently. While there, it was determined that essentially his face was shattered. He underwent surgery to begin repair on his jaw, which was broken in three places, and he will need future surgeries to continue the process. His official diagnosis is Severe Traumatic Brain Injury with blocked carotid artery, and he is currently blind in his right eye. Aiden’s road to recovery will be a long one, although the doctors are optimistic that he will make a complete recovery.
Aiden is the 15-year-old son of Chris and Katie Wilczewski of Florien. He is a Sophomore at Florien High School, where he is active in the FFA, recently started Engineering classes and is a member of the FHS Blackcat baseball team. He is also a member of the Mount Carmel Baptist Church youth group, as well as a volunteer for the Louisiana Baptist Disaster Relief organization. Aiden has three younger siblings whom he loves dearly, (and they’re crazy about him), as well as a host of family and friends who think the world of him.
Last Thursday, Feb. 3, Aiden was transferred to TIRR Hermann Memorial, a traumatic brain injury rehab in Houston, TX where he will be treated as an in-patient for an undetermined amount of time. Unfortunately, only one parent can be with Aiden at a time, so Chris and Katie will be “taking shifts” to stay with him, as well as parenting their three younger children at home. This alone makes it difficult financially.
Chris is the breadwinner of the family. When Aiden’s accident occurred, he was able to fly home from work to be with his son. Along with the extra expenses their time in Houston will accumulate, there is not a definite date Chris will be able to return to work. The burden of everyday life, paying bills and caring for their other children will also weigh heavily on the family.
A GoFundMe account has been set up to help ease this family’s financial burden. Supporter Kristy Sandel Knippers asks, “If you can give in any way, I beg of you to do so.” Those not comfortable giving online, or for those who do not wish to do business through GoFundMe, may contact Kristy at (318) 332-0223 or make a deposit at any Sabine State Bank into the account of Christopher and Katie Wilczewski.
Churches are asked to please add this child and family to their prayer lists. Churches are also encouraged to discuss how they might give or be of help to this family in some way.
“Sabine Parish is a community that always comes together for its people. Please rally around this family with your prayers, and if possible, help them financially!” Ms. Knippers asked. “The road ahead is not going to be easy, but with help, some of the burdens can be relieved,” she said.
Here is a direct link to the GoFundMe account:
(A special thank you to Kristy Sandel Knippers for sending all of the information shared in the article about Aiden above.)