Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Outgoing Director of the Sabine Tourist Commission Linda Curtis-Sparks, left, and incoming Director Georgia Craven, right. Curtis-Sparks has promised to leave after finishing “certain things I have to do.”

Linda Curtis-Spark, long-time Director of the Sabine Parish Tourist Commission, attended her final meeting of the Commission Monday as she is retiring, but she plans to stay on for at least three months. She prepared a home cooked meal, including turnip greens, for the Commission and gave them the good news that the current year will be the best financially yet. In addition, she said new Director Georgia Craven will have a $207,000 grant from the Louisiana Tourist Revival Fund to use on marketing. Curtis-Sparks said in the 15 years she served as Director, she obtained $2½ million in grants.

Officers were re-elected as follows: Lauren Manasco Moore, president; Martha Henderson, vice-president; and Edith Palmer, treasurer.

Wanda Rivers presented the marketing plan for the new year. She said most of the tourists coming to Sabine are from Houston, Dallas, Lafayette, Baton Rouge and New Orleans. It was reported that visits to the web site this year will top about 200,000. She also said 13,000 monthly newsletters are sent out by the commission.

New Director Georgia Craven announced that Rivers is leaving to head the Sabine Parish Sales and Use Tax Commission, and that she is working on a transition plan and will post the position for applicants after the first of the year. She said she is looking at the Graham Group to place ads for the Commission and also looking at the possibility of outsourcing accounting.

Curtis-Sparks said, “This is my last Director’s report to you,” adding, “It is a good ending.” She spoke of room sales and occupancy tax, saying some places on the lake have sold and the new owners are revitalizing them. Also in discussion, it was pointed out some folks are not paying the occupancy tax and the Commission is looking into this. Member Suzanne Williams of Florien brought up the matter of Curtis-Sparks staying on the payroll, which had not been brought before the Commission. It was listed in the Director’s Report but had not been discussed until Williams brought it up. Williams said she felt it was not right to pay for a museum in Zwolle, and the Board should not continue to pay Curtis-Sparks to work, since she has retired. Curtis-Sparks said that three years ago the Town of Zwolle, a Friends group and the Tourist Commission entered into an agreement on the Museum.

Curtis-Sparks said it was the intention of the group to put the story together for the museum. “We wanted to note the families and timber companies who gave up land,” she said. “I felt I was the person who told the story. I was raised here. I was involved with the Chamber of Commerce, Sabine River Authority and Tourist Commission. We found there was a multitude of people who knew a lot that I did not know. We hired Shannon Clements [Hall] to copy articles. I’m in the middle. I have the story.”

Williams asked what Curtis-Sparks’ timeline was for completion, and Curtis-Sparks said hopefully three months, but it could take a year. She said, “I do not intend to work for this organization for long. Georgia deserves a good orientation and that will take six weeks.” Williams said she was against an open-ended agreement that would go on and on.

“If something happens to you, is all that history gone?” Williams asked, as Curtis-Sparks had painted the picture that she is the only one capable of completing the museum. Curtis-Sparks said she thought that in three months she might “write the story.” She said she will finish Ms. Craven’s orientation as soon as possible. She also said she is facing major surgery and is trying to exit the Tourist Commission as soon as possible, adding, “There are certain things I have to do.”

It was reported Curtis-Sparks will be paid $20 per hour by the Commission and will work part-time, with $7,500 budgeted to pay for three months.

“We are at the end now and we need her expertise,” Member Martha Henderson of Zwolle said. “It was cost a lot more if you try to hire a professional,” Curtis-Sparks said. Edith Palmer, a strong Curtis-Sparks ally, said she felt Ms. Craven should make the decision as to whether the outgoing Director should stay on.

At one point during the discussion, Williams told Curtis-Sparks, “You don’t have to look at me that way. I think it’s my job to ask questions.”

Craven said it would cost “so much more if we hired someone other than Linda.” Continuing she said, “Linda is such a great historian for the museum,” and “My orientation needs to continue, and she needs to be available.” Ms. Craven sounded somewhat like Elvis as she said, “I want her, I need her,” then added, “But I want to compensate her for her time.”

In the end, it was one big happy family as they okayed payment to Curtis-Sparks for staying on.

Daniel Bennett, left, BOM Sabine Parish Market President, presents Many Tigers Head Coach Jess Curtis, center, with funds to help sponsor a charter bus to take participants to the 2A State Championship football game in New Orleans last week. At right is BOM-Many Branch’s Tiffany Miller.

A big shout out to Bank of Montgomery (BOM) Many Branch who jumped on board to support the Many Tigers on their third trip to the Superdome for the third year in a row to play in the State Championship. The local branch, led by Market President Daniel Bennett, paid for a charter bus to carry folks to New Orleans for the game.

Another shout out to our own Many Police Dept., shown above, who gave the mighty Tigers a big send off to New Orleans last week to play in the Championship. Officers escorted the busses to the parish line. Their thoughtful gesture was much appreciated.

Ms. Wanda Rivers, Sabine’s new Tax Administrator

Wanda Rivers has been selected to be the new Tax Administrator at the Sabine Parish Sales and Use Tax Commission. We are confident she will be an excellent hire.

Ms. Rivers has been invaluable in her current position at the Sabine Tourist Commission, not only providing exceptional accounting, but sharing her design and social media talents, traveling to represent our area and, except for front desk duties, doing everything in between.

Observations welcomes Ms. Rivers to downtown Many, and we wish her all the best when she begins her new position in January.

At left: Many Police Chief Cheryl Wooley, far right, along with Josh Corley, center left, and Andy Miner, center right, accept plaques from Mayor Robert Hable, left, honoring the town’s first responders as this year’s Christmas Parade Grand Marshals. At right: Dr. Mark Holder holds the First Responders recognition plaque honoring Sabine Medical Center.

The Town of Many proudly announces this year’s “Merry Many Christmas” Parade Grand Marshals will be the town’s first responders who live and work all throughout the parish to protect, serve and save the lives of others. These include Many Police Dept. Officers, Sabine Parish Sheriff’s Deputies, Fire Fighters, EMTs and medical personnel including doctors and nurses.

“A first responder is a real-life hero that responds first to an emergency or accident. Our town is blessed to have people who care enough about others to risk their own lives in an effort to save someone else’s,” Town of Many employee Suzanne Williams noted.

“We have asked them to serve as our Grand Marshals for the ‘Merry Many Christmas’ Parade on Saturday, Dec. 18 at 2 p.m.,” she said.

The Town of Many wished to honor these “front line workers” who have had an especially hard job during the COVID-19 pandemic.

“To say that this past year has been stressful for everyone with COVID-19 raging through our towns, our state, our country, and our world is an understatement of the highest order,” Williams shared. “We have all lost loved ones due to the pandemic, but they will always live on in our hearts and memories. Many others have been saved by the tireless, unselfish efforts of our first responders and we thank them all from the bottom of our hearts.”

The Town encourages everyone who sees a first responder to thank these men and women for their service. “Shake their hand. Buy them a cup of coffee. Keep them in your prayers for safety and strength to carry on their mission in life,” Williams asked.

Observations sends heartiest congratulations to all of the first responders who are being honored at Saturday’s parade. We thank you for all you do to make life in Sabine Parish better for us all.

The Stewart Family and Friends Down Home Christmas Show took place Friday night, Dec. 11. It has become an annual tradition at Sabine Theater [Many Community Center].

The old theater stage was dressed as an outdoor winter wonderland with lots of white lights, about a dozen Christmas trees, a lifesize angel on one side of the stage and a huge reindeer on the other.

A large, enthusiastic crowd gathered to hear the group do a wide variety of traditional hymns and other songs of the season. Lots of favorites were presented including “O Holy Night,” performed by Debbie Hillman Stewart, “Children, Go Where I Send Thee,” an all-male quartet number by fathers and sons Willie and Bo Stewart and Steve and Mark Birdwell, “Christmas Day at My House” a Country-flavored hoedown by fiddle champ Clancey Stewart, and “Pretty Paper” by Kelly Stewart. Others selections included beautiful trio renditions of “O Come All Ye Faithful” and “Away in a Manger” with Laurie Gentry joining on vocals.

The highlight of the night had to be the remarks and reading by Bo Stewart of the Christmas story. He read the account of the birth of Jesus from the book of Luke as the band softly played “It Came Upon a Midnight Clear.”   

Everyone was featured throughout the program on vocals. The group’s instrumentation this year was comprised of guitar – Willie Stewart, Steve Birdwell, Mark Birdwell, Clancey Stewart; mandolin – Bo Stewart, Steve Birdwell; upright bass and autoharp – Laurie Gentry; cajon (drum box), washboard – Kelly Stewart, Bo Stewart; percussion – Debbie Stewart; fiddle – Clancey Stewart; and banjolin – Bo Stewart.

Of course, the evening would not have been complete without some of Bo’s humor and tall tales. He did not disappoint.

The concert was free to the community, a Christmas gift from Mayor Robert Hable, the Many City Council and the Many Cultural District Committee.

Many’s “Young Achiever” named

Many Mayor Robert Hable, left, recognizes Grace Manasco, owner of Good Gracious, as the 2021 Town of Many “Young Achiever.”

Grace Thomas Manasco, owner of Good Gracious boutique, has been named the 2021 Young Achiever by the Town of Many. She was honored with recognition and a plaque at the Christmas Poster Unveiling and Ceremony that took place on Dec. 2.

From a young age, Grace had a love for fashion and always dreamed of having her own boutique. She took a leap of faith and opened a pop-up shop at age 19. From there, she then renovated a small, historic home into retail space and moved to her current location at 1225 San Antonio Ave. in September of 2020. 

Her love of beautiful and special gifts created a natural progression in inventory growth, and now in addition to her boutique of apparel, accessories and unique gifts, she also has a flourishing flower shop, operated by her talented mother, Paula Thomas.

Grace is married to Lang Manasco and they are the proud parents of a baby boy, Aiden Manasco.


by Guest Columnist Ronny Byrd of South Boston, VA

“I don’t know how closely you follow the left-coast news, but Soros-funded DAs, defunding police, and a bunch of insane laws have come home to roost. The most recent rash of coordinated smash-and-grab hits on malls and department stores have been a result of several related factors. First, these liberal DAs seldom prosecute these thieves for various reasons. Second, a recent law moved the target for a felony to over a thousand dollars; if you’re caught with $999 worth of stolen jewelry, it’s a misdemeanor… if you’re prosecuted, which is not likely. Also, the institution of no cash bail (unfair to poor crooks who have no money other than what they steal) means that you have a revolving door… arrest, book, release within hours… and back on the streets to do it all over again. Police are spread too thin because of lack of support and response time to crime is just too slow. Police morale is in the pits, knowing that arrests are a waste of time. Crime in Los Angeles and San Francisco is skyrocketing while in Many and South Boston, outside of some drug-related crime, not much else in terms of crime is going on. Small-town Walgreen drugstores are still open while I believe that around 15-20 in San Francisco alone have closed recently because of the rash of daytime in-your-face robberies that make business there a losing proposition. California, the home of fruits and nuts… thank God for small-town America! Let’s count our blessings.”

Observations met with Sabine Sheriff Aaron Mitchell and Chief Deputy Brad Walker last week. We were informed that there are now two gangs operating in Natchitoches. I asked, “When will it come to Sabine Parish?”  Sheriff Mitchell quickly answered, “It won’t.”  For this and many other reasons, we are so glad he is Sabine Parish Sheriff.

McCormics named Christmas Parade Honorary Grand Marshals

Tina and John Wayne McCormic, center and right, accept their certificate naming them Honorary Grand Marshals of this year’s Christmas parade from Mayor Robert Hable, left.

John Wayne and Tina McCormic have been named this year’s “Merry Many Christmas” Parade Honorary Grand Marshals.

The McCormics are well-known and beloved across Many for their devotion to Tiger football through Tina’s photography and their support of the community and its young people, often underlined with John’s great cooking.

Tina shared, “John and I had first met at Pizza Hut. The first night I started working at Pizza Hut, he told me he was going to marry me. A year later, on the following New Year’s Eve, we got married. We have two kids, our son Timothy and daughter Tabitha. Timmy is a Major in the Army, stationed in Arlington, VA. Tabitha is married to Daniel Strawn and they live in Natchitoches. She works for the Natchitoches School Board Office. John, with the help of his family and friends, loves to cook and support the youth and community. I have a love for the camera just as my father had. Nothing gives us more joy than giving back to our community. We are thankful we get to do what we do for so many others.”

Congratulations to the McCormics on this well-deserved honor.

So let me get this straight:  we’re a nation that accepts pornography but hates abuse, a nation that doesn’t believe in gender but fights for women’s rights. We’re a nation that believes no child should be left behind, but we have aborted over 60 million. We’re a nation where heroes have died so our flag could fly over a free nation, but we give the title “heroes” to athletes who kneel in disrespect. We’re a nation where political parties ignore the corruption of their own party while condemning the corruption of the other. We’re a nation of laws yet they only apply if you’re not politically powerful. We’re a nation with “IN GOD WE TRUST” printed on our currency yet we’re a nation where the ACLU sues people who make His name known in public. We’re the “greatest” nation on earth yet we consume more antidepressants than any other nation in the world. We’re a nation who pledges we are “one,” yet we have aggressive, sometimes violent division. And we wonder why there is so much confusion. (Copied)

ARRESTED: Dekedrick Lynch

Dekedrick Lynch, age 24, formerly of Zwolle and currently living in Nacogdoches, TX, was arrested for stealing an ATV.

On Friday night, Dec. 3, a brown 2020 Honda Rubicon ATV valued at over $5,000 was reported stolen from an address on LA Hwy. 174 near Converse.

The next day a social media post displaying Lynch’s name as the seller was discovered on Facebook Marketplace where the exact ATV was for sale in Texas.

Sabine Parish Sheriff Detectives anonymously contacted Lynch and set up a purchase of the ATV.

With help from the Desoto Parish Sheriff’s Office and the Tri-Parish Narcotics Task Force, Detectives arranged to meet Lynch in Logansport on Wednesday, Dec. 8 to purchase the ATV.

Lynch and the ATV were located, and Lynch and Christopher Carroll Phillips, age 42, of Nacogdoches, TX were arrested for Felony Illegal Possession of Stolen Things in Desoto Parish.

Lynch will face a Felony Theft of a Motor Vehicle charge in Sabine Parish as well.

(Special thanks to Det. D.W. Seegers for the above article.)

Cadillac Rhone selected as the Town of Many’s “Rising Star”

Mayor of Many Rober Hable, left, presents Ze’Quarrius “Cadillac” Rhone with the Town of Many’s “Rising Star” award. Event MC Anna Cate Wright is shown in the background.

Ze’Quarrius “Cadillac” Rhone has been selected by the Town of Many as its 2021 “Rising Star.”

The local football and athletic star was born and raised in Many, and he says he grew up with a ball in his hand.

“Growing up with my three brothers, Rickey Woods, Quan Sweet and Jayvion Smart, there was always competition, and this made me want to win at everything.” Rhone shared. “I’m thankful to have the best parents in the world, Rickey Rhone and San Slate. All my life they have pushed me to be the best at everything I do.”

He continued, “During my high school career I accomplished my dreams of being a state champion and earning the chance to play Division 1 football. My parents always told me that academics were more important than sports. I maintained a 4.0 GPA throughout school and was honored to be on the All-State Academic Team. I’m thankful this is my hometown because of all the opportunities it has given me, football being one of them! My dream is to play in the NFL but as of now I’m earning my bachelor’s degree in Business. With this, I want to reconstruct local houses that have been damaged. Hopefully, one day, I can make all these dreams a reality. As long as I keep God first and the support of my community, I can achieve those dreams!”

Observations sends our warmest congratulations to Cadillac, and we wish him well in all he does. The world could use a lot more like him.

On Sunday, Dec. 12 at about 7:40 p.m., Louisiana State Police Troop E responded to a fatal crash on LA Hwy. 28 at LA Hwy. 8. The crash claimed the life of 75-year-old Linda G. Sterling of Many.

The initial investigation revealed a 2021 Chevrolet Equinox, driven by Sterling, was westbound on Hwy. 8. For reasons still under investigation, Sterling failed to stop at the stop sign as she approached Hwy. 28. As a result, the Equinox traveled across both travel lanes, exited the roadway, impacted a ditch embankment and overturned.

Sterling, who was unrestrained, sustained fatal injuries and was pronounced dead. A toxicology sample was obtained and submitted for analysis.

While the cause of this crash remains under investigation, distracted and inattentive driving continues to be a leading cause of crashes in our state. Louisiana State Police urges all motorists to stay alert while driving.  A lapse in one’s awareness can have deadly consequences.

So far this year, Troop E has investigated 56 fatal crashes resulting in 58 deaths.

Happy 100th Birthday wishes to our longtime friend and neighbor, Ms. Carrie Broussard. She will be honored at a come-and-go celebration on Sunday, Dec. 19 at the First United Methodist Church of Many Fellowship Hall. Friends and family are invited to drop in between 2 p.m. and 4 p.m.

Observations congratulates Ms. Broussard on this important milestone, and we wish her a bright, blessed upcoming year!

Shanna Gaspard, Executive Director of the Sabine Parish Chamber of Commerce, guested on “Open Line” Monday morning.

Shanna Gaspard, Executive Director of the Sabine Parish Chamber of Commerce since 2018, was my special guest on Tedd Dumas’ popular “Open Line” radio program Monday morning. She talked about all the good reasons to shop at home for the holidays. We appreciate her taking the time to share about the products and services available right here at home.

It’s pretty amazing a town as small as Many has about a dozen locally owned restaurants or eateries and well over a dozen service-type businesses, such a nail, tanning and hair salons, skincare spas, massage therapists and photographers. Our town has at least two fitness centers, dance and martial arts centers, over a dozen locally owned boutiques and regular retail options, as well as local big-ticket retailers featuring car, furniture and appliance sales.  

In addition, there are lots of vendor-type gift options that were recently a part of Many’s Moonlight Madness event. Those names may be found in our earlier Observations columns. [Follow the numbered pages below.]

Here is a list of locally owned businesses who can fix you right up to complete your Christmas shopping. The good thing about shopping at home is your tax dollars stay here, and should you need to return or replace an item, you aren’t dealing with someone from China. You can look someone in the eye to do business. They are your friends, family and neighbors.

ALL HOURS FITNESS – The Gift of Good Health and Fitness, 770 Shreveport Hwy., 256-0862

BAYOU CRAWFISH – Cajun Cuisine/Comfort Food, 650 San Antonio Ave., 431-1503

BO DOWDEN & ASSOCIATES REALTY – A New Home or Gift of Land, 12275 Texas Hwy., 256-0585

BROOKE ARBUCKLE PHOTOGRAPHY – The Gift of Photography, Contact via Facebook

CENTURY 21 SABINE PROPERTY SHOPPE – A New Home or Gift of Land, 825 San Antonio Ave., 256-6410

COFFEE BISTRO – Coffee, Specialty Drinks, Pastries, Lunch, 867 San Antonio Ave. Ste. A, Contact via Facebook

COUNTRY BOY – Fried Fish, Fried Chicken, Comfort Food, 105 N. Highland Dr., 256-3953

CURTIS FAMILY PHARMACY – Unique Gifts, Exclusive Men’s Lines, Designer Accessories and Fragrances, Toys, Home Décor and Specialty Foods, 536 Hwy. 171 Bypass, 273-2650

ELEGANT NAILS – Manicures and Pedicures, 620 Nabours St., 256-0612

EL PATIO – Mexican Food, 180 San Antonio Ave., 256-1111

FAMILY FARM & GARDEN – Farm, Ranch, Home and Garden Supplies, 1545 San Antonio Ave., 256-3167

FOY MOTORS – New and New-to-you Chevrolet, Buick, GMC Cars and Trucks, 1095 San Antonio Ave., 256-2066

GOOD BUYS – Hardware, Home Décor, Flowers, Gifts, More, 75 Tarver Dr., 256-2182

GOOD GRACIOUS BOUTIQUE – Ladies Apparel, Accessories, Unique Gifts and Floral Design, 1225 San Antonio Ave., 273-2239

GORGEOUS NAILS – Manicures and Pedicures, 220 Pico St. (Wright Shopping Center), 256-1398

GULF STATION CAFÉ – Comfort Food, 1040 San Antonio Ave., 273-2233

GUYS & DOLLS HAIR DESIGN – Full-Service Hair Salon, 1080 W. Mississippi Ave., 256-5021

GYPSY BOUTIQUE – Ladies Clothing, Jewelry and Shoes, 210 Pico St. (Wright Shopping Center), 508-0705

HARDKOR CAFÉ – Health-inspired Handcrafted Food and Drink, 890 Hwy. 171 Bypass, 955-2353

HIDE YOUR CRAZY ESTHETICS – Skin Care and Wax Lounge, 651 Main St., 663-6480

KIM’S ORIENTAL KITCHEN – Chinese Food, 175 Fisher Rd., 256-0128

K & W CLOTHING – Men and Women’s Fashion and Formalwear, 780 San Antonio Ave., 256-2392 [Visit now before they permanently close.]

L BROOKS REAL ESTATE – A New Home or Gift of Land, 310 Hwy. 171 Bypass, 590-1000

LAFITTE’S HOME FURNISHINGS – Furniture, Mattresses, Appliances and More, 515 Church St., 256-9252

LOS PRIMOS MEXICAN GRILL – Mexican Food, 1858 Texas Hwy., 431-1501

LOU’S FLOWERS & GIFTS – Home Décor, Gifts, Floral Arrangements and More, 1775 San Antonio Ave., 273-1900

MAGNOLIA KEY REAL ESTATE – A New Home or Gift of Land, 710 San Antonio Ave., 431-5040

MAIN STREET BARBER & BEAUTY – Full-Service Hair Salon and Massage, 560 Main St., 256-5791

MANY FAMILY HAIR SALON – Full-Service Hair Salon, 210 Pico St. (Wright’s Shopping Center), 431-5000

MARTONE’S – Italian Food, Wood-fired Oven Pizza, 240 Hwy. 171 Bypass, 273-1011

MASSAGE HOUSE – Massages and Couples’ Massages, 651 Main St., Contact via Facebook

MCBRYDE & ASSOCIATES REALTY – A New Home or Gift of Land, 335 Dillon St., 256-2121

MONOGRAMS BY STORMIE – Monograms and Custom Ts, 508-1395

MORRIS FURNITURE – Furniture and Appliances, 268 Texas Hwy., 256-5634

NICHOLS – Everything for Indoor and Outdoor Life: Boots, Camo, Gifts, Home Décor, Sporting Goods, Workwear and More, 252 Elizabeth St. (Wright Shopping Center), 256-2931

PAST & PRESENT ANTIQUE MALL – Collectibles, Pre-loved and New, 867 San Antonio Ave., Contact via Facebook

REVITALIZE SABINE MEDSPA & WELLNESS CENTER – ZO Skin Care Products, Restylane, Dysport and More, 950 San Antonio Ave., Contact via Facebook

RIGS & RACKS – The Gift of Good Health and Fitness, 890 Hwy. 171 Bypass, 379-8484

SABINE MARTIAL ARTS – The Gift of Focus, Discipline and Confidence, 745 San Antonio Ave., Contact via Facebook

SABINE SOUTHERN NUTRITION – Energy Teas, Meal Replacement Shakes and Eat Fierce Healthy Desserts and Snacks, 204 W. Pico St. (Wright Shopping Center), 431-5036

SARC THRIFT STORE – Used Items; (Sales support the Sabine Assn. of Retarded Citizens), 995 San Antonio Ave., 590-0170

SEAUX YOUNIQUE BOUTIQUE – Boutique Clothing, Accessories, Children’s Toys and More, Old Middleton House Online Boutique, Contact via Facebook

SLAY’S ELECTRONICS – Electronics, Cell Phones and Hobby Equipment, 255 Fisher Rd., 256-2641

SLAY’S FIREWORKS – Fireworks for the Holidays, 255 Fisher Rd., 256-2623

SMOKEHOUSE BBQ – Barbecue and More, 803 Hwy. 171 Bypass, 256-9080

SOUTHERN COMFORT BOUTIQUE – Hand-picked Unique Clothing for Ladies, Jewelry and More, 940 San Antonio Ave., Contact via Facebook or 609-8659

STUDIO 12 HAIR SALON – Full-Service Hair Salon, 651 Main St., 590-0012

STUDIO B DANCE COMPANY – The Gift of Movement and Dance, 820 San Antonio Ave., 332-4943

TAN YOUR HYDE – Tanning Salon, 765 N. Capitol St., Contact via Facebook

THREE SASSY SISTERS BOUTIQUE – Clothing, Accessories, Shoes, Purses and More, Contact via Facebook

TODAY’S DONUTS – Donuts, Kolaches, Pastries, 252 Texas Hwy., 256-6555

TOLEDO TOWN REALTY – A New Home or Gift of Land, 12000 Texas Hwy., 256-9844

THERAPY MASSAGE BY ASHLEY – Specialty Massages and Couples’ Massages, 765 N. Capitol St., Contact via Facebook

THE FITTING ROOM BOUTIQUE – Trendy Ladies Clothing and Accessories, 612 Nabours St., 315-3402

TREASURE CHEST – Tanning, Gifts and Collectibles, 785 San Antonio Ave., 256-1235

VICKIE HOLBROOK  – Massage, Contact via Facebook

WILL’S BARBER & SALON – Full-Service Barber and Salon, 290 Highand Dr., 590-0506

WM PHOTOGRAPHY – The Gift of Photography by Whitney Meshell, Contact via Facebook or 663-5565

YUMME’S – Bundt Cake Bakery by Lynsi Newman, Contact via Facebook

This is a long list, but we realize we may have missed some. Please private message the Observations Facebook page with your business name and contact information if you own a local business. We would like to add your business to future lists.

Ronny’s Observation on Observations – From Ronny Byrd of South Boston, VA:

“Robert, Many is the epitome of what is best about small-town America. I’ll be rooting for the Many HS football team tomorrow night, will be cheering for Sheriff Mitchell and his team’s work on the drug problem, and will be there (in spirit) for the Christmas-related celebrations coming up. You’re fortunate, my friend, to have been able to live most of your life in such a place. I live in a similar town in Virginia and can’t complain, but I have to say that I’d switch locations in a heartbeat if it were a simple choice.  Thanks again for your updates in your Observations and hello to Laurie.  Ronny”


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Author: Gentry