Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Sabine District Attorney Don Burkett

An order was entered Sept. 9 by a federal judge dismissing all claims against Sabine Parish District Attorney Don Burkett and his office that were made in a lawsuit filed in U.S. District Court in January.

The lawsuit was filed as a result of an assault on the plaintiff victim in the Many High School gym locker room in January 2020 by other students. The federal judge found no legal basis for the claims made against DA Burkett and his office.

The defendants in the criminal case have been prosecuted and a Sabine Parish Judge has sentenced these individuals for the crimes committed. DA Burkett said, “As expected, the Federal Court found our office did nothing wrong in the handling of this matter, and my office continues to handle matters – like this one – taking into account the law, the facts and my professional obligation to see justice served.”

Shane Wright has been selected the new Supt. of Schools. He begins when Dr. Sara Ebarb retires the end of this year.

Shane Wright was named Sabine Parish Schools Superintendent Monday night. He has been Director of Administrative Services since 2015. The vote was 5-4, with Dr. Leah V. Byles, Spencer Faust, Donald Garcie, Genevieve Gordon and Terrell Snelling voting in favor.

Those who voted for Florien High School Principal Eddie Jones were Daron Chandler, Donald Remedies, Dale Skinner and Kowonno K. Green. Wright will assume duties when Supt. Sara Ebarb retires at the end of the year.

Wright has more than 20 years’ experience in education with 13 years as an educational leader. He formerly served as a transportation director, athletic director and secondary supervisor. He is former Many Junior High assistant principal, middle school social studies teacher and Many High teacher and coach.

The word is spreading about the comedy and tragedy that is going on within the Sabine Parish Tourist Commission. A Natchitoches friend, Barry Guillet, put it this way, “You just can’t make stuff like this up!” So, if things keep going, the Tourist Commission itself will be the biggest draw for tourists to visit Sabine Parish and see the players for themselves.

Where do we start? Some months ago, Linda Curtis-Sparks, longtime Director, because of health reasons decided she was going home. The Commission took applications and we are told about 150 applied, including some from Sabine Parish. Curtis-Sparks pushed hard for Chip Davis of Greenville, SC, recommending him very highly for the job. In fact, she announced to us that he would be hired several days in advance of the Commission meeting to rubber stamp her choice. The Commission designated Curtis-Sparks as Assistant Director, supposedly to work on the Toledo Bend-Zwolle Museum until her contract is up the end of December. Davis started his new job as Director on May 24.

The Many Town Council, under the able leadership of retired Mayor Ken Freeman, took exception to the Commission not only going out of Sabine Parish, but going out-of-state to hire a Director. But ole Chip came in with a big smile on his face and a gift for gab, among other things.

In a surprise move, Chip fired Curtis-Sparks on Sept. 6 because he felt she violated standing ethics by retiring and then being given a new position. In addition, Chip put the axe to the Zwolle Museum project, we are told.

The Commission was taken aback. They were not going to use their rubber stamps for Chip. In a special called meeting on Sept. 7, the Board reinstated Curtis-Sparks who was represented at the meeting by Baton Rouge Attorney Alesia Ardoin who said the Assistant Director was not in violation of ethics laws and that her separation notice was not valid. The Commission gave Curtis-Sparks “broad oversight including access to office, staff, financials, meetings, audit and policy and procedures, human resources, marketing, technology and legal.” They covered the waterfront. In addition, she was to continue work on the Zwolle Museum.

Well, things settled down for a day or two until Pepper Rains did her Facebook post on “Transparency in Sabine” on Sept. 13. She ran a lengthy report about Chip Davis and his girlfriend, Diana Fuller.

According to Ms. Rains, Davis and Fuller are being sued by his mother, Marjorie Kendall Davis in Greenville, SC. In a suit filed Nov. 4, 2020, Ms. Davis claims she loaned her son $100,000 as down payment on a house with the understanding that she would live there the rest of her days. Along the way, Davis divorced his wife Katherine and in August 2018, Diana Fuller and her daughter moved in with Chip and his mother, according to the suit.

The suit says that on Sept. 1, 2020, Chip presented his mother “a letter of eviction.” In addition, the suit claims that Chip and Diana stole and sold a set of Tiffany silverware and other items in the house and in storage. The suit at this stage has not been settled.

It has been reported to Observations that the Commission has several reasons to fire Chip, but they just won’t do it. At its Sept. 14 meeting, an item on the agenda was “Discuss contracting with a human resource attorney.” District Attorney Don Burkett told Observations in such a situation, an attorney who is an authority is hired so that things are done according to applicable laws. He also said in such situations, the Tourist Director has to be given notice and a reasonable time for a hearing. DA Burkett is not involved in the situation.

And Monday morning, we were told by a reputable source that on Friday, Davis informed Board President Lauren Moore by letter that she could no longer serve on the Commission because she had missed three consecutive meetings. He reportedly quoted the bylaws as stating this. Ms. Moore has had COVID, thus her reason for missing. 

Observations sent Davis a request for an interview at his convenience on Friday. He responded Sunday, “I am not taking interviews at this time. Thank you so much for reaching out.”

On Monday I sent him another request for an interview if he changes his mind, saying, “You really need to get your side out there.” I also invited him to be on “Open Line” with Tedd Dumas and me on Oct. 11. I also requested to know if the rumor of his attempting to remove Lauren Moore is true and if so, the details. I followed up with another request to him Tuesday morning. He did not respond, so I sent him a third request Tuesday afternoon. 

He responded:  “The board and I are busy working on a variety of issues at this time. You are welcome to fill out a FOIA request if you would like something specific.”

Tedd, who has long been a critic of the operations of the Tourist Commission, came up with a good idea on his popular “No Hostage Report” radio program Tuesday morning. “It’s time to stop this nonsense at the Commission and move forward,” he stated. “We need to re-establish the creditability of the Tourist Commission.”

Tedd proposed that the Commission appoint long-time employee Wanda Rivers as Director. “She’s done most of the work for years,” he commented. She currently is Marketing and Administrative Manager.

He pointed out that Commission President Lauren Moore has vast knowledge of marketing and running a business. Between Ms. Moore and Ms. Rivers, he proposes the two could get the Commission headed in the direction it should go and bring an end to the comedy show. And we think Martha Henderson of Zwolle is a good member of the Board and doesn’t mind speaking up when she needs to.

With all this going on, the Tourist Commission is bringing attention to the parish, but not good attention. Those involved need to take a look at their continued usefulness. All this needs to come to an end.

One of our regular readers wrote:  “It seems some are upset about the Tourist Commission hiring someone from outside the parish. Some are upset because the School Board (after following its procedure) won’t hire someone from outside the parish.” 

In January 1838 in a speech to a group in Springfield, IL, Abraham Lincoln said, “From whence shall we expect the approach of danger? Shall some trans-Atlantic military giant step the earth and crush us at a blow? Never. All the armies of Europe, Asia and Africa could not by force take a drink from the Ohio River or make a track on the Blue Ridge in the trial of a thousand years. No, if destruction be our lot we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of free men, we will live forever or die by suicide.”

Last week a speed limit sign of 15-miles-per-hour showed up near the top of the hill on Capitol St. by the Many Cemetery. The police started stopping speeders and writing tickets. There was no warning that a speed limit was about to start or end. There had not been a speed limit sign there before.

After a complaint to Mayor Robert Hable, the sign came down and a sign for a 25-mile-per-hour speed limit was placed. We are unaware of who placed the lowered speed limit sign there or why.

Local Businesses Donate K-9 Body Armor to The Sheriff’s Office

Shown left to right are K-9 “Tessa,” Sgt. Josiah Steinke, David Steinke, Stephen Steinke, Joshua Steinke, Gary Steinke, Sheriff Aaron Mitchell, Benny Barnhill, Amy Barnhill, Sgt. Nick Sandel, and K-9 “Kay.”

David, Stephen, Joshua, and Gary Steinke of Steinke & Associates PLLC along with Benny and Amy Barnhill of Warren Meadows Funeral Home graciously donated funds for body armor for two Sabine Parish Sheriff’s Office K-9s.

The LOF Defence Systems Streetfighter vests are for the SPSO K-9s “Tessa” and “Kay”.

“A K-9’s job is just as dangerous as it is for a law enforcement officer. Sometimes a K-9 is deployed into a dangerous situation instead of a Deputy. The K-9’s role is to protect its partner as well as the community,” the Sheriff’s Dept. shared.

Sheriff Aaron Mitchell points out that body armor is not cheap, and all his Deputies have a ballistic vest, so it is a big expense to the department.

Sheriff Mitchell humbly thanks Steinke & Associates and Warren Meadows Funeral Home for the generous donation to the Sabine Parish Sheriff’s Office.

[Special thanks to Det. Wade Seegers for the above report.]


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Author: Donna Montgomery