Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Pepper Rains, left, operator of “Transparency in Sabine” Facebook page; and Chip Davis, right, Executive Director of the Sabine Parish Tourist Commission

The Sabine Parish Tourist Commission, under the leadership of President Lauren Moore and new Director Chip Davis, recently made a bold move. They refunded $52.75 to Patricia “Pepper” Rains, who runs the “Transparency in Sabine” Facebook page. Some considered this a proverbial “slap in the face” to ex-Director Linda Curtis-Sparks, who recently overcharged Ms. Rains for making copies of public records. Rains started the Facebook page in an effort to keep an eye on the actions of Sabine Parish governmental bodies, and the overcharge she received was perceived as an attempted deterrent to more questions about the operations of the Tourist Commission. The refund check she received was dated July 15.

Ms. Rains recently shared that she interpreted the over-charge by Curtis-Sparks as a clear attempt to deter interested persons from seeking information from the Tourist Commission because of the expense involved. She was charged $1 per page for copies, plus $31 per hour for Curtis-Sparks and $15 per hour for an employee. According to the state’s published rate information obtained by Rains, the amount allowed to be charged by the state is 25c per page on copies, and there should be never be a charge for employees’ time in those matters.

In addition, Ms. Rains received what might be considered an apology letter from Board President Lauren Moore and Davis.

They wrote, “As Executive Director of Toledo Bend Lake Country, I am pleased to represent all of Sabine Parish. Partnering together in the spirit of hospitality to create economic impact through tourism is one of our primary missions. As such, I always encourage any member of the community to contact me if they would like to share their ideas and/or constructive thoughts on how our parish-wide community can come together and work towards that result. If you would like to meet with me at the Tourism Office…you are more than welcome…to schedule an appointment.”

In her comments about the matter posted Monday evening on the “Transparency in Sabine” Facebook page, Rains wrote, “I want to thank Mrs. Moore and Mr. Davis for the handling of my previous situation with Mrs. Linda Curtis- Sparks and [for addressing] the exorbitant rate I was charged for public records. The letter I received was very professional and to the point. They took the ‘bull by the horns’…and rectified the problem immediately.”

She continued of Mrs. Moore and Mr. Davis:  “I feel they are headed in the right direction and this will not happen again to anyone. It seems to me Mr. Davis is moving forward swiftly in his role as Director, and his transition of taking over completely from Mrs. Curtis-Sparks should take no more than 60 days.”

We laude Mrs. Moore and Mr. Davis for their transparency and willingness to answer questions from the public.

In a related matter, Daniel Bennett has resigned as a member of the Sabine Tourist Commission. He told Observations he needed to devote his time to his job.

Mr. Bennett is a good, honorable man. We appreciate his public service in many different areas. He is Market President at the Many branch of BOM Bank.

FOUND GUILTY: Dillon James Merritt

Dillon James Merritt, 54, of Many was found guilty by a federal jury in Shreveport July 14 on charges of Kidnapping, Interstate domestic violence and Possession with intent to distribute methamphetamine.

Evidence introduced revealed that on Dec. 12, 2017, Merritt kidnapped a woman in Natchitoches and took her across state lines to Texas and held her against her will Dec. 12-16, 2017. Testimony showed Merritt and the victim briefly dated in the fall of 2017, but she broke off the relationship after Merritt punched her in the stomach. Following that, he continually called and harassed the victim.

On Dec. 12, 2017, Merritt found the victim walking back home from visiting a friend near the Walmart parking lot in Natchitoches and struck her in the head and put her in a truck and left. She was bound and gagged and hidden under clothing in the vehicle, and for the next several days was taken to various locations in Louisiana and remote locations in Texas near Toledo Bend.

Merritt repeatedly raped the victim, doused her with lighter fluid and tried to set her on fire and severely beat her with his fists, elbows, feet and with a flashlight causing serious injury. In addition, he possessed with the intent to distribute five grams or more of methamphetamine.

He faces up to life in prison and up to a $250,000 fine. Sentencing is set for Nov. 11.

Our friend Terri Matthews of Robeline informed Observations that Merritt was married to her daughter 20 years ago. She said he was convicted of abusing her three-year-old granddaughter on her testimony. Terri said he choked the granddaughter and also dislocated her shoulder. She said he was convicted of child abuse at the time and sentenced to 18 years, but only served five. Her granddaughter is now 22.

Ms. Gladys Boice

We were saddened to learn of the death of Gladys Boice, 98, on July 22. She served in the Army for several years and married Sam Boice. They moved to Many in the early 1960s, and the late Mayor Virginia Godfrey employed her as a Meter Maid. Boice later transferred to the Sabine Sheriff’s Department. She later moved to Shreveport and lived in the Glen Retirement Center for 20 years.

Gladys Boice was loved and respected by many. In her capacity, she was always easy to talk to and was ready to help folks. We shall miss her.

The U. S. Department of Justice Federal Bureau of Investigations and Director Christopher A. Wray has recognized the Sabine Parish Sheriff’s Tactical Narcotics Team (TNT), along with the Sabine Sheriff’s Office for their dedication and contributions to a joint law enforcement operation. FBI Special Agent Heath White of Shreveport made the presentation. Shown left to right are Sheriff Aaron Mitchell, Chief Detective Anthony Lowe Jr., Agent Adam Nelson, Lt. Don Flores, Special Agent White, Lt. Jesse Branam, Sgt. Josiah Steinke and Chief Deputy Brad Walker.

Sheriff Mitchell and his team have worked closely with the FBI and local agencies since he took office a year ago in the fight against illegal narcotics. During this time, eight federal indictments have been issued and eight pending federal indictments for illegal narcotic charges have been obtained on drug dealers in the parish. Somewhere around 185 drug arrests have been made by TNT Agents and patrol deputies since July 1, 2020. Sheriff Mitchell said he thanks the FBI for their assistance this past year, and he looks forward to a continued joint effort in illegal narcotics investigations.

(Thanks to Detective Wade Seegers for this information.)

Sabine Sheriff Aaron Mitchell, left, and Ronald Byrd of South Boston, VA

Ronald Byrd, a resident of South Boston, VA and a regular reader of Observations was a visitor in Sabine Parish last week. He appeared on Tedd Dumas’ popular “Open Line” radio program on July 22 and discussed the difference between critical race theory and multicultural education, educators getting involved and promoting pre-teens’ gender reassignment, and school boards dumbing down math and science for minorities. Dr. Byrd attended high school at Marthaville, where he later taught. He has been an instructor for 65 years and has taught at many colleges and universities throughout the U.S. and around the world.

After the 7:30 a.m. radio program, he shared that he has often read about Sheriff Aaron Mitchell in Observations and wanted to meet him. I was happy to take him to the Sheriff’s Office, where he found Sheriff Mitchell pleased to meet with him. Ronald told him, “I am under the impression that you walk on water, and I want to take you out to Toledo Bend and see.” We all had a good laugh.

Following the visit to the Sheriff’s Office a group met at Bell’s Gulf Station Café for coffee and visiting. Among them were (shown above) seated, left to right, Bruce Gandy, John Curtis and Don Winn of Marthaville. Standing are Dale Skinner, Ronald Byrd, Randall “Fuzzy” Hennigan of Marthaville and Robert Gentry. Tedd Dumas was present for the session but is not pictured.

ARRESTED: Dallas Henry

The Sabine Parish Tactical Narcotics Team (TNT) investigated an anonymous tip and on July 22 arrested Dallas Henry, 40, and Callie Ann Sepulvado, 32, at a camper on Dogwood Lane in Noble. After a short investigation, they both admitted to having drugs and a firearm in the camper where the lived. Agents seized suspected methamphetamine, synthetic marijuana, a glass smoking device, plastic baggies and a .22 rifle.

ARRESTED: Callie Ann Sepulvado

Henry was booked for Possession of synthetic cannabinoids, Possession of meth, Possession of firearm while in possession of CDS and Possession of drug paraphernalia.

Sepulvado was arrested on the same charges, plus Possession of a firearm by a convicted felon. She was also booked for two arrest warrants from the Town of Zwolle.

Sheriff Aaron Mitchell encourages citizens to report any suspected illegal activity in their communities. You may phone (318) 256-9241 or submit a tip through the Sheriff’s App.

(Thanks to Detective Wade Seegers for this information.)

Some folks talk about what they’re going to do when it comes to litter, but Sheriff Aaron Mitchell and his crew actually do something about it.

Take a look at this:  From July 1-July 19, eight to nine inmates have picked up over 1,400 bags of trash over a 75-mile stretch of state highways in the parish. The State Department of Corrections has strict guidelines and regulations in place pertaining to inmate labor and COVID-19, so the sheriff asks everyone to please be patient as the Inmate Litter Crew makes its way across highways and roadways in the parish.

More importantly, Sheriff Mitchell pleads with all citizens to do their part and not litter. Sheriff Deputies will be enforcing State Litter Laws by catching violators in the act and by receiving information from the public about those who litter.

Let’s all work to keep Sabine Parish clean and litter free.

(Thanks to Detective Wade Seegers for this information.)

It is so sad to see the number of people who are working to destroy our country and the number who openly do not love our country. I am happy to say that I still get a tear in my eye and chills down my spine when I stand to put my hand across my heart and say the Pledge of Allegiance, hear the “Star Spangled Banner” or any other good patriotic song. I love America and always have and always will.

There are 193 countries in this world. To those who work to destroy our great country, to those who disrespect our patriotic morés and to those who do not love our country – our thought is for them to move somewhere else.

But you know the truth, you couldn’t get a one of them to leave.

The latest from friend Barry Guillet of Natchitoches:  “Let’s spread the truth whether it’s true or not.” Sounds like one of the fake news media.

A meeting to discuss broadband for Sabine Parish will be held Tuesday, Aug. 3 at 9 a.m. in the Sabine Tourist Commission board room, according to Suzanne Williams. The Tourist Commission offices are located at 1601 Texas Hwy. west of Many.

In 2020, the Federal Communications Commission awarded three contracts for broadband service in the parish. The group will be meeting with one of the awarded contractors.

The meeting will show the service areas of broadband coverage from the FCC Section 904 grant, along with grant options by all organizations to expand coverage to all under-served and unserved areas of the parish.

The Sabine Parish Police Jury and Economic Development Council invites interested persons to attend.

Neighborhood Watch Signs Installed

Stanley Neal, Sabine Deputy Corrections, left, and an inmate worked to help place Neighborhood Watch signs recently.
Many Police Officer Kody Firesheets, left, and trustees from the Detention Center helped install neighborhood watch signs throughout Many neighborhoods.

Neighborhood watch signs have now been installed in neighborhoods throughout the Town of Many.

The signs are a joint effort between the Many Police Department and the Sabine Sheriff’s Department to keep the people and homes in Many safer.

The signs are notifications that people are watching their neighborhoods and will immediately report any suspicious activities to the police.

Acts of vandalism, theft, car break-ins, and other illegal activities have prompted the police to ask citizens to be pro-active in their neighborhoods by notifying police if they see anything suspicious.

Cheryl Wooley, Many’s Chief of Police, said, “We want our people to feel safe in their neighborhoods and to help us fight crime by reporting suspicious activities whenever they see something wrong occurring. Our police actively patrol throughout Many, but it’s impossible for them to be everywhere all the time.  That’s why we are posting the neighborhood watch signs and asking our citizens to call us when they see something that is wrong.”

If it’s a crime in progress, people should immediately call 911. Otherwise, they should call the Many Police Department at (318) 256-5617. To report a suspected crime, they should then press 5. Quick action by responsible citizens is expected to help in lowering crime in the Many neighborhoods.

Sheriff’s Department officials David Remedies and Stanley Neal assisted in locating and installing the signs. Kody Firesheets from the Many Police Department also assisted with the installation of the signs throughout the Many neighborhoods. Dominique Green, community activist, assisted in determining locations for the signs. The Detention Center also provided assistance.

(Thank you to Mary Brocato for the above article.)

Who else has noticed it is the exact same crowd, who six months ago, were loudly “not sure” whether they would even take a vaccine produced under the former administration are now the ones begging daily on national and social media that everyone should take it and now. What changed? Only the occupant of the Oval Office. The vaccines are the same.

Six months ago these same people were busy planting doubt and trumpeting a lack of confidence in the vaccines’ effectiveness. The COVID health risk certainly existed then. And it continues now. If this situation weren’t so serious, their quick, 180-degree turn would be laughable.

Wonder how far ahead of this thing we might be if voices from the mainstream and social media left had pushed for taking the vaccine as soon as possible instead of waiting until their man was in office? We’ll never know.

We heard a funny one recently:  FedEx and UPS have announced they will merge their two companies. Their new name? “FedUp.”

Can you believe it’s only two weeks until school starts back? Sabine Parish Schools start their fall semester on Tuesday, Aug. 10.

We are happy to report that Pink Sisters of Sabine, the local non-profit that assists breast cancer patients, continues its good work.

They provide helpful items of encouragement and recovery items of practical use for local breast cancer patients, and they also seek to pair each new patient with a survivor mentor who is available to answer questions and offer suggestions.

A screen shot of the Amazon Smile Charity selection page

The group prays for the breast cancer patients they serve and sends them cards, notes and texts of encouragement. The Pink Sisters of Sabine Facebook page also features all kinds of helpful items, from tips to living with breast cancer and thriving through treatment to inspirational memes and local health and fellowship opportunities for patients and survivors.

We remind all that if you shop on Amazon, the Amazon Smile program will direct a small portion of your purchase amount to a charity of your choice at no cost to you. Pink Sisters of Sabine benefits from that option when you select them as your charity.

To use this feature, visit and log into your Amazon account, click on Your Account, then select Your AmazonSmile. Click “Change your charity” and enter Pink Sisters of Sabine in the search bar. When it appears, select it, and you’re all set.

Pink Sisters thanks you for serving breast cancer patients in this area with your Amazon purchases.

Kudos to Pink Sisters for their Honorable Mention from Positive Promotions for finding innovative ways to continue their service to breast cancer patients throughout the recent pandemic.

A reminder:  This sweet lady and Many Walmart greeter, Ms. Louise Moore, was recently diagnosed with esophageal cancer. Please send her a note or card of encouragement to Louise Moore, 2310 Doug Heard Rd., Many, LA 71449. God bless you.

Sen. Louie Bernard

Our State Senator Louie Bernard is taking a lot of heat for his vote in the recent special session of the Legislature. The hot issue was the vote to override the veto of Gov. John Bel Edwards on the conceal carry bill. The bill would allow citizens to carry a weapon without a permit. Sen. Bernard had voted for the bill during the regular session, then changed his vote and opposed the bill and voted against the over-ride. He was quoted in a Baton Rouge newspaper as saying he changed his mind after talking to law enforcement. He is quoted as saying, “I wouldn’t want to go to bed at night knowing I had created any additional layer of ‘risk’ for police.”

Observations requested an explanation for our readers, but Sen. Bernard failed to respond.

But Joey Harris of Leesville, responded to the matter, with a letter to Observations

He said, “I’m literally beside myself concerning the four turncoat Senators who turned against the people of Louisiana concerning constitutional carry. I listened last Friday to ‘The No Hostage Report’ as one of them, Louie Bernard, failed miserably in an attempt to explain and justify his vote. According to him, he and law enforcement know what is best for you and I as well as for our families’ safety more-so than we do. I got news for the flip-flopping Bernard. It’s everyone’s personal responsibility to protect themselves as well as their family. Every single one of our border states have constitutional carry, and as is always the case, Louisiana comes in dead last again. Fake conservatives like Louie Bernard keep and will always keep Louisiana dead last in everything. And one last thing:  why in the hell do we even have state senators and representatives? Why? Let’s do away with these worthless bums and put their pay on the damn roads.”

Be sure to read the special lagniappe Observations column that will post Friday. It is the second part of our series on Gov. Edwin Edwards and his relationship with Sabine Parish.


Author: Gentry