Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Last week Observations carried a story about the Many Town Council passing a resolution expressing disappointment that the Sabine Parish Tourist Commission went out of state to hire a director to replace Linda Curtis-Sparks, who is retiring.

Information for the story was taken from a transcription which was provided us. As a longtime journalist, I take pride in the fact that our stories are correct. Well, after Observations came out, Town Council Member Gay Corley posted:  “This statement is in error and out of context. I was NOT speaking of the tourism position. It was well advertised and I never had any intentions of applying for it – I am NOT qualified.”

Now, here we go trying to untangle the mess. The meeting discussion was about the hiring of the Tourist Commission Director, and we thought that was what everyone was talking about. Seemed a reasonable conclusion to us.

Apparently, Ms. Corley changed the subject matter from Tourism Director to her disapproval of the hiring of a Chamber of Commerce Director. It was hard for us to follow her remarks in the written transcript.

In the transcription, Ms. Corley says:  “Well that’s just like the Chamber of Commerce, it should have been publicized because there are people in the parish that are more qualified to take over the precedence that could do more to know they gave it down for somebody.”

Later in the discussion, she said:  “Maybe he’ll be good. I don’t know, but I just you know, it seems like that we got so many people and once again I’ll go back to the Chamber, that should’ve been publicized.”

You figure it out because I have a hard time.

Concerning the motion, Ms. Corley posted on Facebook that she didn’t have all the facts when she made the motion. Here is the record:

Mayor:  “May I ask for a motion that this board was disappointed that we had to go outside the state to hire someone to come and sell our parish?”

Ms. Corley:  “I’ll make the motion.”

There was a second. There was no discussion when the Mayor asked for it, and the Council voted unanimously in favor.

Sheriff Aaron Mitchell and the Prescription Drug Drop-Off Box

Sabine Sheriff Aaron Mitchell has announced that he has joined with Attorney General Jeff Landry in providing a new tool for Sabine citizens to help fight the opioid epidemic. A new, prescription drug take-back box has been placed in the Sheriff’s Office for residents to drop off their unused or expired prescription drugs rather than having the medicines remain in homes, which makes them more easily accessible to experimenters and addicts. Help addicts you know recover by suggesting los angeles detox to them.

Sheriff Mitchell said, “We are proud to partner with Attorney General Landry and help him fight the statewide opioid epidemic. By properly disposing of unused or expired opioids, we can help assist the men and women of Sabine combat abuse, misuse and addiction.”

Those who place prescription drugs into the drop box will remain anonymous and are encouraged to either place drugs in a Ziplock bag or remove all identifying labels from the pill bottle. The Prescription Drug Drop-Off Box may be found in the lobby of the Sheriff’s Office in the Sabine Parish Courthouse at 400 Capitol St. in Many.

Bob Gates, left, is shown here with wife Carolyn, daughter Claire Henry and son-in-law Clay, right, at Bob’s surprise retirement party last week.
Former bankers all: left to right are Donnie Wooley, CEO of Ark-La-Tex Financial Consultants, Kenneth Ammons, Bob Gates and Mayor Ken Freeman.

Our friend and neighbor Bob Gates has retired from Sabine State Bank after 38 years there.

He was celebrated at the home of John and Diann Migliore on Forest Lane on Wednesday evening, May 26, with a surprise retirement party. We understand his last day at the bank was Friday.

Among the party guests were daughter Claire Henry, her husband Clay and several friends, including former Many residents Ted and Debbie Fontenot, who now live near Bay St. Louis, MS. The Fontenots were passing through enroute to Washington state, where they’ll spend some of their summer.

Bob said he was indeed surprised and seemed to much appreciate all the good wishes and merriment on his behalf.

Happy Retirement, Bob! We wish you many lazy mornings sleeping in and lots of fun and relaxation. May every Monday feel like the weekend! 

Frances Hopkins, above, retired from Sabine Medical after 57 years. Photo by Carolyn Gandy

Last Friday also marked Frances Hopkins’ last day at Sabine Medical Center. She worked there for 57 years, beginning as a secretary, and working her way up to an administrative position, which she held for several years.

Through all our local hospital’s many changes in ownership, administration and doctors, Fran remained a constant. Her enthusiastic support of and tireless efforts for local healthcare are an admirable legacy.

She was honored at a wonderful Happy Retirement reception at which dozens of friends and family wished her well. We add our congratulations also.

Fran, We wish you the best of health and happy days in your retirement. Thanks so much for all you have given to Many and her citizens. You are one of a kind!

Frances Hopkins, center, with brother Odis Faust, left, and sister-in-law Johanna, right, at the retirement party given to honor Fran. Photo by Carolyn Gandy
Fran visits with longtime Many resident and special friend Kusum John, now of Austin. Kusum’s late husband, Dr. V. M. John, was a beloved Many doctor. Photo by Carolyn Gandy

This 18-wheeler was blown over by high winds on the Pendleton Bridge in the early morning hours last Friday. Traffic was blocked until the truck could be uprighted and moved. There were no injuries.

Ronny Remarks by Ronald Byrd, regular reader of Observations in New Boston, VA: 

“1. Trump is banned permanently from Twitter. Hamas leaders railing against the existence of Israel have free reign.

“2. The UN is investigating Israel for war crimes. Their tough response to over 4,000 missiles in 11 days is the evidence of their aggression.

“3. Biden’s gift of hundreds of millions to Palestine and Hamas evidently sent the wrong message. Or did it?

“4. There’s been almost nothing in the media about the Abraham Accords as evidence of the Trump administration’s successes in bringing several Muslim countries to normalize relations with Israel. This was the nearest thing to peace in the Middle East since the establishment of Israel as a country.

“5. That initial establishment of Israel as a nation also set up a larger territory for Palestine. Rather than accept it and have their own nation immediately, they and four other Muslim countries decided to attack and push the Israelis into the sea. Bad decision.

“The older I get, the more confused the world becomes. Senility or just good, common sense?”

WE GET LETTERS – This one from Joey Harris of Vernon Parish, who is also a regular reader:

“I keep hearing education this and education that concerning our state legislature and educators. Well, you might want to sit down because I’m about to tell you how critical thinkers approach this education issue in Texas. My sister, who has a master’s degree and is a teacher, moved to Texas about five years ago. She told me that the Texas education system breaks their students down into two categories: the college bound students and the students that don’t want to go to college. So, guess what they do? They push college courses on the college-bound students and push vocational education on those students who are not. When a non-college bound students leaves high school in Texas, they already have a level one certificate in whatever trade they wish to pursue. Imagine that! Critical thinkers getting students prepared to enter the real world and work force right out of high school from day one! Imagine that. Louisiana politicians and educators should take notice. Or not… keep on keeping Louisiana dead last in every category as they have done for years.”


The Sabine Council on Aging, Inc. announces the Grand Opening of their Converse Meal Site, a beautiful, new facility at 211 N. Front St.

A Ribbon-Cutting Ceremony with the Sabine Parish Chamber of Commerce will be held Wednesday, June 16 at 11 a.m. The event in its entirety runs from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

For more information, call (318) 567-9631.

One week later, the Sabine Council on Aging Florien Meal Site holds its Grand Opening, scheduled for Wednesday, June 23 from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. The Sabine Parish Chamber of Commerce Ribbon-Cutting Ceremony will be at 11 a.m.

The facility is located at 1227 N. Nolan Trace in Florien and may be reached at (318) 586-5030.

A special Thank You to Mary Brocato, who provided the three articles featured below.

Nichols of Many Manager Debbie Sepulvado, left, and Lauren Moore, Nichols owner, display “Trail of Tears,” the Choctaw-Apache history/cookbook available at Nichols’ Many location. All of its $25 retail price goes to the future Many Depot Museum.

“Trail of Tears,” a new book about the Choctaw-Apache Tribe of Ebarb, was recently published and is now available for people interested in the tribe’s history and culture to purchase.

Dorsey Ebarb Bronson, Danny Ebarb and Mary Meshell Carlin, authors of the book, have worked with Nichols of Many to place copies of “Trail of Tears” for sale at the store.

The books are all autographed. Thanks to Lauren Moore, owner of Nichols, and the authors, 100 percent of the book’s $25 price will be donated to the future Many Depot Museum, which will feature an entire room about the Choctaw-Apache Tribe of Ebarb.

“We have only a limited number of copies of this book, and they are already selling fast,” said Debbie Sepulvado, manager at the Many store. 

Chairperson of the Cultural District Advisory Committee Mary Brocato worked with Bronson and Moore to make the book available for purchase in Many. She said, “I’m so pleased that Dorsey and Lauren are offering ‘Trail of Tears’ and are donating the sale proceeds to our planned museum. I bought the book at this year’s PowWow and I think everyone who lives in our area would really enjoy learning about some of the history and culture of our parish. This book not only tells that, but there are also some awesome Choctaw-Apache recipes featured.  So, it’s a history book and a cookbook, too.”

Angela Osborn, right, designed and painted the paintings that are on the Many Community Center’s exterior walls. Shown with her is one of her hardworking assistants.
This painting of a movie camera provides the background for a selfie.
Osborn especially enjoys painting portraits and did this painting of a moviegoer enjoying a movie at the theater. It is to the left side of the ticket window.

The Many Community Center [Sabine Theater] is getting a facelift, thanks to talented artist Angela Osborn and her assistants.

The cheerful, exterior paintings brighten up the theater and their themes are entirely movie/film oriented. “Let’s Go to the Movies and Have a Great Time” features movie cameras, painted lights, popcorn, stars and a young woman enjoying a movie at the theater.

While driving past the theater, many people have seen the works in progress and are highly complimentary of Ms. Osborn’s work. 

Mary Brocato, chairperson of the Cultural District Advisory Committee, commented, “Angela is doing a superb job of beautifying our historical old theater and we’re so glad that our citizens are pleased with our efforts to brighten up the theater as part of our efforts to make the cultural district even more attractive.” 

She continued, “Now, we want people to attend our Movies in Many and also our music concerts. We’ve turned the corner on COVID, and we are open for business with lots of free movies and concerts throughout the rest of the year.”

“We have two free movies every month, and most months we also have a free music show. These events provide wonderful opportunities for family entertainment without having to leave Many,” Brocato said.

Brocato also added that there’s still more to come with the paintings.  “The weather has not been cooperative, and Angela has to be sure the walls are completely dry before painting on them. That has slowed her down a bit.

“Mayor Freeman took a look and agreed to have some additional paintings above the front doors, and Angela will get started on that soon,” Brocato added. “He’s been so supportive of this art project, and we greatly appreciate his making this possible.”

The talented Osborn, with a degree in art, is a graduate of Northwestern State University. She has painted exterior murals on City Hall and a fence at the corner of Alabama and San Antonio as well. Her assistants on the popular art project were Julie Britner, Carie Morton, and Brittney White.


Children from Many and Sabine Parish are in for a special treat this Saturday, June 5, when “Frozen II” plays on the huge screen at the Many Community Center [Sabine Theater]. The 2019 Walt Disney movie is free to everyone and begins at 7 p.m.

The animated movie is a favorite and is especially enjoyable when viewed on the theater’s 38-foot screen with stereo surround sound throughout the theater.

And more good news:  children can win free door prizes if they hold winning tickets, which will be issued as they enter the theater. Walmart has donated several prizes that allow the winners to go to Many Walmart and select a gift of their choosing. Shanna Gaspard, talented Many artist, is donating a painting of Elsa, the movie’s central character. And there will be still more door prizes for the children attending the popular movie.

Movies in Many will feature a free movie twice a month from June through December. Many of the movies are rated G or PG and selected especially for children and their families to enjoy without having to spend much money. That’s because Movies in Many are always free and concessions are only $1 each.

Both Movies in Many and Music in Many are sponsored by the Town of Many, the Cultural District Advisory Committee, the Mayor and City Council. 

Make it a point to attend the free movies and music concerts. They are all geared to be family entertainment.  


Author: satcom