Friday, January 29, 2021


“Ready to watch some ball,” Phillip “Koolaid” Cutrer, right, posted recently on social media, shown here at the ball park with wife Jennifer.

Everybody asked, “What happened to Koolaid?”  That was after he failed to qualify for Many Chief of Police as qualifying ended on Jan. 22. They were all wondering about Phillip Cutrer, who had previously announced he would seek the office and issued a long statement about himself and what he planned to do once elected.

“What happened, Koolaid?” we asked. He said District Attorney Don Burkett called him on Wednesday, Jan. 20, and told him if he qualified to run, Many Mayor Ken Freeman was going to contest on the grounds that Cutrer had not lived in the City the required year.

He said the requirement was that a candidate live in the City for 12 consecutive months and he was two weeks short, which he thought he could get by with when he announced his intentions.

“I talked to my wife and family,” he explained, “and decided I didn’t want to put them through that. But I took it as a compliment that they would want to get me out of the race that way. The timing, with the recent passing of my mentor Chief Roger Freeman, just pushed everything over on me all of a sudden and we have a baby coming, so it was just not a good time.”

But, he said with a bang, “In four years I’m coming, and I’m coming hard!”

Koolaid got up the morning of Wednesday, Jan. 20, a very happy man and posted the following:  “Good morning Many… Today it all begins… Qualifying. Good luck to all of the candidates running for various positions and I pray that God gives us knowledge to make decisions to better our community.” He added hashtags “#KoolaidforChief” and “#ManyStrong.”

Then the hammer dropped. And Koolaid started writing again:  “If you truly want the Best for Many how can you be influenced by such evil and manipulative people…. You know who I’m talking about and everyone that I have talked to in this town knows who I’m talking about and since you are constantly on my page read this….  In 4 yrs when I am Chief of Police in Many you better be done with Law Enforcement or retired because now it’s personal….” [It was unclear whether he was addressing officers he had worked with in the Many Police Department or local elected officials.]

Continuing, he said, “I know you run here and there getting stuff together to keep me out of the seat but I promise you I will give the people what they want in 4 yrs and that is a Many Police Department that works for the people…. So with that being said I will be withdrawing from this Many Chief of Police Race. Cheryl Wooley enjoy the seat that you once expressed you didn’t even want…. You should watch who you listen to at that PD,” Koolaid admonished, concluding, “I worked amongst some of the best and the worst people while I was there and I assure you the ones you have in your ear daily is the ones that will turn on you in the end…. Best of luck to you ma’am if your elected…..TO THE PEOPLE OF MANY….Thanks for all of your support that you have shown and continue to show…. I will be your Chief just not this time…. I love the people of Many and God Bless.”

A strong Cutrer supporter replied to the post, “That is all that town is about. Trying to keep the good out. Ur gonna have ur place one day because u deserve it.”

Koolaid replied, “I will you are correct because in 4 yrs I will be so powerful there will be nothing they can do about it….. I will get the last [fist punch emoji.]

Well, after all that, it’s time for a drink. Pass the Koolaid, please.

A 45-page civil suit was filed Thursday in federal Western District Court accusing local public officials of failing to investigate and prosecute the case of several male students who, the suit states, kidnapped and raped another student at Many High School on Jan. 31 of last year. The case concerns an alleged incident that happened in the locker room where a pencil was inserted into a student’s rectum.

The suit was filed by Leesville Attorney Mary K. “Katie” Beaird on behalf of Rose and Elliot Garner.

The State Police investigated the incident and on Feb. 13, 2020 charges were filed against seven juveniles and one 18-year-old. They were charged with kidnapping, sexual battery and pornography. The investigation that led to their arrests began earlier that month with a complaint about a social media video showing the sexual battery of a juvenile, the State Police reported. The case has not yet been tried because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The child’s stepmother said she was not told about the event until three days after it happened. The suit filed by her and the child’s father alleges several persons in places of authority failed to report the assault, failed to accept a report about or investigate the attack, and failed to prosecute those charged.

The suit was filed against unknown insurance companies, City of Many through Mayor Ken Freeman; Kyle Cook and unknown officers, (note:  the suit lists Cook as Chief of Police, a position he has never held); District Attorney Don Burkett; Sabine Parish School Board and unknown employees, including Assistant Principal Moses Curtis, Coach Ryan Vines, Coach Darrin Dyess, Amy Ebarb and Jess Curtis; and Sabine Parish Sheriff’s Department through Sheriff Aaron Mitchell and unknown deputies (note:  Ronny Richardson was sheriff at the time of the event, not Aaron Mitchell.)

Bobbie Jackson, Councilwoman, Dist. C

Bobbie Jackson recently announced that she will seek to retain her seat on the Town Council. Her remarks follow.

“I have served as a Councilwoman for the Town of Many, District C, for nearly eight years after retiring from working as Private Investigator and owning my own beauty salon. My desire during retirement was to do more to help the Town of Many in its forward progression by helping make our community a better place to work and live for all of our families.

“I am the mother of two living daughters, grandmother to adults and younger children alike, and have one great-grandson. Family is important to me as I believe that a strong family unit raises the next generation to become productive citizens in our society and that helps everyone in the communities in which we live.

“I serve on several committees including the Sabine Parish Tourist Commission, and working closely with them has inspired me to encourage tourism and industrial growth in our area to my fellow councilpersons. This is perhaps the most rewarding endeavor during my two terms on the Many City Council. I have always strived to help contain expenditures for the city by voting conservatively while making sure that our Town is able to move forward with infrastructure projects and cultural and tourism activities.

“I am always available to listen to your concerns about our town and will continue working diligently for District C and all of the residents and businesses in the Town of Many. Please vote for me, Bobbie Guay Jackson, Ballot # 53.”

Bryan and his note

Thursday, Deputies were called to a residence on Toledo Bend Lake in reference to someone finding a mysterious handwritten note on their property. The text of the note said that its writer was a five-year-old from Fred, TX. It asked the person who found the note to please call.

Further investigation revealed a five-year-old boy, Bryan, attached the note to a Happy Birthday balloon, which he had released into the sky on his birthday – Monday, Jan. 25, a few days before. The note traveled approximately 100 miles in three days from Fred, TX all the way to Toledo Bend Lake.

Deputies called the number and talked to Bryan’s great-grandmother and told her the note had been found. Deputies also asked if she would send a photo of the birthday boy. She did, and we hear Bryan was absolutely delighted to learn someone had found his birthday balloon note so far away.

Sheriff Aaron Mitchell and the Sabine Sheriff’s Office were happy to share this heart-warming story with the public.

Thanks to Detective Wade Seegers for providing this article.

Tommy Byles

It was with sadness that we learned of the death of our friend, Tommy Ray Byles, on Wednesday, Jan. 27.  He ran Tommy Byles Plumbing and Electric for many years. When you called on Tommy to do a job, you always knew that it would be done right. He was a very caring person and would answer a service call whenever needed. Tommy was easy to get along with and he will certainly be missed by his family and many friends throughout the area. We extend our deepest sympathy to members of the family that he leaves behind.

Annalise Sylvia is on a billboard. The billboard promotes Northwestern State University, where she is a student. We understand she absolutely loves every single thing about NSU. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Sylvia of Many. Chris is an attorney and wife Frances is a teacher. And it probably wouldn’t hurt Chris’ feelings to mention that he is also a candidate for District 3 Sabine Police Jury in the March 20 Primary.


Stuart Bird

Another death on Jan. 21 was former Many resident Stuart Bird. He was graduated from Many High in 1966 and attended Stephen F. Austin and Northwestern. At 19 he began teaching band, the start of a 47-year career in education. Included in his teaching career was time spent at Many High School where he had one of the best bands our school ever had. He always attempted to instill pride and character in his students.

During his long career, he received many honors. He lived in Troup, TX, and we send our sympathy to his wife of 39 years, Sharon, and other members of his family.

Many Council Member Mary Key Brocato was instrumental in getting a new pro-grade basketball goal installed a few months ago at the Many Fairgrounds Park, which was generously donated by a citizen. She is looking to have another one installed there to create a full court in time for spring.

She is currently in the process of raising $2,300 for it and is almost halfway there. “Spring will be here soon and the weather will be great for our citizens to enjoy this upgrade to the park,” Brocato said. “Please help us reach our goal for this basketball equipment.”

Thus far she has raised $1,000 on a Go Fund Me page devoted to the cause. Interested persons may also visit follow this Facebook Fundraiser link: or visit Mary Brocato’s personal Facebook page, where they will find links to the fundraisers she has created online for this effort.

Longtime Many businessman Stephen Steinke, right, is shown with wife Julia and Chap, a Maltese-Shih Tzu mix. Steinke is running for Police Juror, Dist. 3.

It’s a jam-packed race for Sabine Parish Police Jury, District 3 seat. Another candidate for that office is Stephen Steinke, who recently shared this announcement:

“I am announcing my candidacy for Police Jury, District Three. With the heartbreaking loss of Mr. Charlie Brown, this position became available. It truly would be an honor to take up where he left off and serve the wonderful people of Sabine Parish. I am a life-long resident of Many, have been married for 27 years and have two grown sons. I graduated from Many High School and Northwestern State University, with a B.S. in Accounting. I have been involved in Dixie Youth Baseball for the last 20 years, coaching and then serving on the board of directors. I also enjoy serving with our local Sabine SBC Disaster Relief Team. I strongly support law and order, law enforcement officers, and military personnel. I strive daily to follow my Christian faith in every aspect of my life, with honesty and integrity being values I esteem and maintain. I am an ‘America First’ conservative business owner who believes in individual responsibility and free-market capitalism as the basis for our free society. I have worked as a CPA in our family business, Steinke and Associates PLLC, for 30 years, and have a significant amount of experience working on budgets of various governmental entities in Sabine Parish.

“My Guiding Principles for Fiscal Issues of Government:

1. I believe all government funds belong to the taxpayers, because taxpayers are the source of all the funds. Therefore all taxpayers are ‘essential.’ The politicians should be trusted stewards of these funds.

2. I believe that small, limited government allows all taxpayers to keep more of their money, which encourages economic growth and continual freedom.

3. I believe our great Constitutional freedoms are still in force even during a pandemic or other emergency.

4. I cherish these Constitutional freedoms and pledge to strongly defend them in order to pass them to our future generations.

5. I believe transparency in government is very important. I will always welcome my constituents’ questions, suggestions, and criticisms in order to improve our parish.

“Police Jury Major Issues:

1.  I will not support elections on new taxes and renewals being held when very few issues are on the ballot and very low voter turnout is expected.

2. I will not support new tax increases in our parish as the government is already taking too much in taxes and fees from the residents.

3. I think the Police Jury needs to focus financially on maximizing the landfill’s revenues, cut any wasteful spending in all operations, and then add the money from these two items to road funds.

4. I will not support any pay increase for Police Jury members.

“My passion for making our parish a better place to live and my drive for wanting to make a difference in the lives of every citizen who resides in District Three are what motivates me to seek this office. You are welcome to contact me with any questions or concerns.”

Stephen Steinke may be reached at or (318) 315-3095.

The Sabine Parish Sheriff’s Office announces that the Sabine Sheriff’s Tactical Narcotics Team (TNT) obtained several felony warrants on Monday for Distribution of Schedule II (Methamphetamine.)

TNT Agents began investigations of several subjects last summer.

Narcotics investigations often take several months to obtain information and evidence in order to build a solid case for the prosecution.

Despite the sometimes slow nature of building a case, Sheriff Aaron Mitchell remains determined to continue the fight against the sale of illegal narcotics in Sabine Parish.

If anyone has information about illegal narcotic activity, please contact the Sheriff’s Office at (318) 256-9241. Those who wish to remain anonymous may call Crime Stoppers at (318) 256-4511 or submit a tip through the Sabine Parish Sheriff’s App.

Arrests made Monday were as follows:

Zackary Deigh Parrie, top left: James William Spikes, top center; Jason Scott Meshell, top right; Ricky Dewayne Montgomery, lower left; Terry Lovell Little, lower right

The following persons are still wanted, as of now:

Left, Jason Jelvonne Calhoun, date of birth 01/16/1984
Right, Curtis Glenn Miller, date of birth 01/06/1975

Please contact the Sheriff’s Office at (318) 256-9241 if you have information on the whereabouts of these two. To remain anonymous, call Crime Stoppers at (318) 256-4511 or submit the tip through the Sabine Sheriff’s App.

Thank you to Detective Wade Seegers for providing the information for this article.

That will do it for this Friday lagniappe edition. As always, thanks for reading!


Author: Gentry