Several Education Opportunities Available at CLTCC for Manufacturing

 Central Louisiana Technical Community College offers a variety of programs for students looking to get careers in the manufacturing industry.

A.H. Parker, the Director of Manufacturing at CLTCC, said that the school has worked closely with the manufacturers in the area to provide employers with well-trained entry-level workers.

“Instrument electrical, which is process control, electrical control, automation control. We teach that. We teach machining, all the way from basic machining on up five-access CNC, and that is state of the art,” said Parker.

Parker also noted that anyone looking for an education in manufacturing should consider CLTCC.

“It’s the place to come. I’ve got that much confidence in our instructor in our programs and in the results that we’ve had with manufacturers hiring our students. We get such good feedback with the quality of our students that they do hire,” said Parker.

CLTCC is not just for traditional students coming out of high school. Willie Jackson, a Workforce Development Instructor, said non-traditional students, like those looking for a career change, have education opportunities as well.

“To help them better themselves to get into manufacturing, we have night classes that we can do, where they can come after hours and make it available for them to be educated and be able to get into the workforce,” said Jackson.

The programs offered at CLTCC are typically four-semester programs that not only give the student an associate’s degree but also the skills to enter the workforce immediately after graduation.

“We can take them through a two-year program that actually gets them ready to go straight into industry,” said Jackson.

Author: Donna Montgomery