Louisiana Speaker of the House Announces Select Committee to Investigate Ronald Greene Case

Louisiana Speaker of the House Clay Schexnayder announced the creation of a select committee to review the handling, on all levels, of the Ronald Greene Incident, including receiving testimony from various persons. “I look to the committee to provide answers to questions regarding the incident and its handling that would assist members, the family, and the public in understanding what happened and help the state move forward.”, Speaker Schexnayder said.

This action is necessitated based on new revelations in the case from the last week, including the concerning information shared in recent press articles and statements made by the Governor in his corresponding press conference.

These events have raised serious questions regarding who knew what and when. Speaker Schexnayder said, “The actions taken that night and the cryptic decisions and statements made every step of the way since then have eroded public trust. That trust can only be regained with a transparent and robust search for the whole truth in this matter.”

The select committee will hold a hearing shortly after the conclusion of the current special session. Invited witnesses will be announced soon.

“The truth must come out to show what happened in this case and in the events that followed. The public demands it and the family deserves it. No crime should be ignored, no cover-up will be tolerated,” said Speaker Schexnayder.

The select committee membership will be balanced and will consist of the following House members:

· Rep. Tanner Magee, Chairman

· Rep. Tony Bacala

· Rep. Jason Hughes

· Rep. Edmond Jordan

· Rep. Mandie Landry

· Rep.C. Denise Marcelle

· Rep. Richard Nelson

· Rep. Debbie Villio

“The members of this select committee understand the seriousness of this issue and hope to bring some closure to the family and public at large in this matter,” said Select Committee Chairman Tanner Magee.


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Author: Donna Montgomery